Tuesday, November 23, 2010
How Long To Wait After Eyebrow Wax
Liberation, November 23, 2010
Bellotti: break with the center-
interview Frida Nacinovich
Claudio Bellotti said "no." He does not like the Federation of the Left. His is the only alterative document presented at the conference last weekend at the hotel Ergife. Question of the obligation "dissident" because they do not want to federate with Oliviero Diliberto, Cesare Salvi Giampaolo Patta?
Boccio political guidance proposed by the Federation. The Democratic Alliance weakens the claim of conflict that comes from society, is incompatible with the platform of the demonstration on October 16, irreconcilable with the struggles of migrants.
In short, the Congress of the Federation Ergife was a disaster.
For one thing, we are building the Federation chooses to have a relationship with a union member, Labour and Solidarity, "sided with the majority of the CGIL in key partnership, not with the Fiom. How can you claim to have the same positions when Maurizio Landini marry instead setting the majority of the CGIL union? What alternative do we propose to Marchionne?
guess that even the most purely political profile - the relationship with the PD and the rest of the center ahead of elections - you are at least puzzled.
The agreement with the Democratic Party is a sort of withdrawal, magazine and not too correct. A string will have the votes to bring about a government but we are ashamed to say it, and I decided not to join. But I think that we should not continue to be ambiguous. On the one hand there are those who are with the struggles with the Fiom, with the temporary school, with the movement for public water, to the end and without contradictions. The other people who keep one foot in the struggles and the other in the center, always ready to sacrifice the reasons for the workers to the logic of alliances with adverse social forces. In the absence of this clear demarcation is inevitable that the Federation of the left is a trailer towed by the Left and freedom, since it embodies so much more linear hypothesis a new center-left. In other words, if the line is the consensus this election will ultimately reward Nichi Vendola.
cite Lenin do?
must make a long term investment. Thinking about the next day does not lead anywhere a left that should be able to propose alternative policies Berlusconi a Confindustria and in crisis. He added that not even I am fascinated by the hypothesis of a caretaker government. On this point, Casini has already said - and clearly - that those in the square with the metalworkers FIOM October 16 is out of a reformist project. I was there in the square on 16 and I am glad to be out of the reformist project del'Udc.
Thumbs down to the Federation of the left point.
The Federation is an electoral cartel, already experienced in European and regional allies. This is an unusual conference, everyone in here is what we want. Sure, it looks like a Communist PRC companies decided to sell his controlling stake. And since we are very critical, adding that this is also the Congress shielded most of the story: the audience is fully appointed, the statute has been discussed by eight people, there is no possibility to influence, or on the debate or the bodies. Turning to the merits, we must have the courage to break clear. The movements that have joined thousands of people sull'acqua pubblica e la stessa Fiom con la manifestazione del 16 ottobre, questo coraggio lo hanno avuto.
Qui all'Ergife sono passati Flavia D'Angeli di Sinistra Critica e Marco Ferrando del Partito comunista dei lavoratori, le loro critiche sono molto simili, quasi identiche alle tue.
Ho salutato Flavia e Marco con amicizia e rispetto. Da parte mia ho presentato un documento molto chiaro al congresso: penso che la sinistra debba rompere con il centrosinistra e ripartire dai movimenti sociali. Quindi chiedo alla Federazione un radicale cambiamento di rotta.
Tiriamo le somme: Bellotti dice "no", non fa calcoli elettorali, chiede più lotte e meno alleanze.
Quei compagni che sono climbed up the crane does not have wondered how many votes they had. They asked how many had reasons for making that gesture. They have made what we believe is right and have earned the consensus of many people. To the left is courage, a courage that is not to don Abbondio.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Rental Application Ontario
Fino alla prossima sostituzione (dei server)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
How To Get A Bonus Level On Poptropica
Article Liberation August 28, 2010
Burgio, "Enough sectarianism. It was valuable time lost "
Antonella Burgio, is there any news on the left?
What next? The elites or the base? In response
is a good question. Executives and base.
I think the base is far ahead of its leaders. Around a lot, not only for the Liberation Party and party, and I see that people are willing to compete and make a step forward.
What is the problem of managers?
The fact that it had imprisoned in a story of the last 20 years, without losing streak. And even in serious errors. A story that ran as a spider's web to prevent any movement that was up to the task.
What task?
who liquidated the Communist Party was a political strategy to "eliminate" class conflict, alienation in a complex policy. You have tried to stop it but you're not been up to.
or find a new way, a greater awareness that allows us to "reject" this impasse, or lose the political compass. You do not go anywhere by offering sectarian practices. The risk is to have less and less political relevance despite having the best ideas. Moreover one of the things I learned in the last election campaign and the fact to say the right things, in itself, is not very relevant if you then divide. We must get out of the abstract opinions.
Research Unit on paper, but there seems to be a compulsive desire to distinguish from each other
organizational inertia does not help, will seek ways to share actions, then, in practice the prevailing logic "part" of small parts ... And this is not really in the tradition of Italian communism which has always prevailed in the culture of the covenants.
If there are no alliances, no news?
I struggle to understand what could be a politician when you stay in 4 cats, even less. The policy of "better to just that (even) together" is absolutely a loser, that's what makes you stay trapped in the web I mentioned earlier.
Alliances: with whom, for what?
takes 4 or 5 important things: the defense of the state, defense the dignity of work and freedom of contract, protection of the public dimension of welfare, and then the esseree agree that we live in a country where there is a profound social injustice. No way more than this, but we are an unjust society, polarized. Sore.
Who accepts the shares of these points and that, in my opinion, the very fact that I consider to accept them on the left. What need is there other differences?
For example, between reformists and revolutionaries?
distinguish. The term reformism today has come to mean - by shunning - construction and modernization neolibeirsta. But la situazione è tale per cui, pur essendo potenzialmente riivoluzionaria, non consente di intervenire concretamente nel reale. Dividerci tra riformismo e rivoluzione è demenziale quando dobbiamo pensare a difenderci puntando a guadagnare qualcosa. Politica dei piccoli passi, si, è necessaria in questo momento per stare dentro ad un progetto che stenta ad avere un seguito. Faccio un esempio: la lettera di Napolitano ai tre operai della Fiat. Conosciamo la storia di Napolitano, tra gli uomini più moderati del Pci. Ma oggi quel gesto è un elemento positivo, direi “rivoluzionario”. E non ha importanza se ci sono altre cose a dividerci. Ora è importantissimo.
Tra l’altro la “base” sembra apprezzare the call to unity ... There is a more concrete
The base is wider than the militants of the party?
Absolutely. I am referring to all those watching television or reading about politics, they say, "I have left, but .....". But understand the "useful vote" understand that arises from reasoning: better less than nothing.
Excuse me, but at what point is the Federation of the Left? There will be no problem of "sectarianism" there too?
I would reverse the question: how come two years after the Congress of Chianciano is not anything happened yet? Two years after the birth of the idea was not produced anything? There was a great first "proximity" between the forces, people who took the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing with the hammer and sickle. If it were true it would be easy.
It means that the "glue" was not enough?
that the impact of the political classes has been negative, that did not work, the leadership and the cultural habit of sectarianism prevailed. We are making valuable over time, we missed appointments, wasted two years. There is a serious political responsibility of those who would have to work to the concrete realization of this unitary experience.
Well, there's only Rifondazione...
Certamente no. La responsabilità è collettiva. Ma chi è parte maggioritaria, ne ha di più.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Bearded Dragon Imacted Bowels
The Indian Air Force soon will order 59 more helicopters Mil Mi-17 after 80 previous orders.
Recently, the IAF had also requested 42 Su-30 MKI fighter Sukhoi bringing the total to 272.
addition, the IAF has signed a contract with Rosoboronexport for 45 MiG-29 K used on new aircraft carriers in India.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Ski Doo Grand Junction
La situazione degli incendi e del pesante inquinamento dell'aria sta nettamente migliorando. Col diminuire delle temperature medie e con le prime leggere piogge le torbiere si stanno piano piano spegnendo. Comunque l'estate 2010 è stat un incubo per la Russia Occidentale, mi dicono che una cosa simile era successa nel 1972, quasi quaranta anni fa.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Frozen Shoulder Shower Or Steam
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Gastric Ulcer More Condition_treatment
Per la fine di questa settimana è prevista un poco di pioggia e un calo delle temperature nella zona di Mosca. Rimarrà il caldo nella zona di Rostov. Ma oramai siamo vicini alla fine della torrida estate russa! In ogni caso sarà meglio cominciare ad ...... organizzarsi per l'anno prossimo (incrociando le dita).
Friday, August 6, 2010
Graboid Difference Between Onyx And Pearl
sono molto triste, la Russia burns, is a victim of weeks and weeks with temperatures near 40 degrees. Moscow itself is completely covered with dark smoke. My friends in Moscow are very concerned. In the land of cold is not such a thing had never been seen. It 's a huge disaster. Becket Hopefully soon the rain. We hope for the best.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Gay Bars, New Brunswick, Nj
I took a little vacation, I was in Barcelona with Russian friends. And I was in Naples where I have wonderful friends. I had fun, I chatted and discussed in abundance, but mostly I ate and drank.
I hope to return soon with news on Russia, especially the VVS. See you soon.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Rainbow Sentinel Dongle Emulator
A specialist in the fight against anti-aircraft fire has passed through, qualche giorno fa, le Stretto di Bering per raggiungere Anchorage in Alaska. Da qui proseguirà fino in Cile per partecipare alla manifestazione FIDAE 2010. L'aereo, un bimotore a reazione adatto per la lotta ccntro gli incendi boschivi e utilizzato anche in Italia, eseguirà delle dimostrazioni in parecchi Paesi Sudamericani e anche negli Stati Uniti.
Monday, March 29, 2010
How To Make Big Green Egg Tables
Questa mattina nella metropolitana di Mosca sono esplose 2 bombe in 2 diverse stazioni. Sembra che entrambe siano opera di kamikaze donne, si pensa al terrorismo ceceno viste le caratteristiche dell'attacco. 35-40 i morti. La metropolitana di Mosca bloccata, la gente impaurita.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Mundo De Patty Bikini
La Russia potrebbe presentare nella prossima estate un nuovo carro armato 5th generation of the T-95. Designed and built by Factory Uralvagonzavod could be presented to a show of arms to be held in the Ural region.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Buy Dune Buggy Louisiana
Russia and India signed a new contract worth $ 1.5 billion for the supply by a further 29 Russian MiG-29K for the future aircraft carrier task force in the 'India is provided (including though with some difficulty)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Propylene Glycol In Bread
Russia and India have agreed on sharing of responsibilities in the development of 5th generation fighter. Moscow and New Delhi will soon sign a contract on the skills and attention to be placed in the conceptual design phase of the hunt.
Russia, which has already flown a prototype of the T-50 (his hunt for 5th generation) is concerned to 'purchase of 250 aircraft including 200 cars. While India is interested in buying the 200-seater and 50 seater.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Can One Naturally Get Rid Of Gallbladder Poyps
In February he flew 5.O copy of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional jet. Meanwhile, the other samples (except 2.o that is used for static tests) have already accumulated several hundred hours. Soon a copy of the Superjet 100 (probably the 4.o) will be transferred to the 'airport of Turin, near the Alenia Aeronautica, to carry out a further round of tests.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Writing Retirement Announcements
"Controcorrente - sinistra del PRC" intervista Andrea Fioretti dei Comunisti Uniti
da Resistenze, numero 26, Giornale di Controcorrente – sinistra PRC
D. Communists began when U.S. and PRC PDCI, returning from the disaster of the second Prodi government, seem to reflect on his mistakes and "turn left". That the budget for that phase.
R. The loss of consensus by the two ex-communist parties and parliamentarians from afar is not limited only to their support to the failed policies and anti-worker last Prodi government. Is at least ten to fifteen years of support to local and national governments preposterous that you have accepted any mediation just to cling to the armchairs institutions. It is not a underestimate the question of elections, but here are the tactics (electoral) has completely replaced the strategy (social transformation).
The choice of participation in the last Prodi government has a consistent end of this path, but led to almost complete destruction of the credibility of the PRC and residual PdCI. With the collapse of the last center-left government, these communist parties have been considered even more responsible for the Olive Tree (now PD) by the masses, just as they were presented as a "safeguard clause" to the interests of temporary workers, for employees in general and anti-war movement in quell'esecutivo filo-padronale. Questi motivi e il successivo sbocco meramente politicista dell’Arcobaleno hanno portato al tracollo elettorale dell’aprile 2008. E’ qui che matura la “svolta a sinistra” dei congressi, per arginare questo crollo verticale e cercare di recuperare un minimo di connessione coi sentimenti diffusi del cosiddetto “popolo della sinistra”.
Ovviamente, vi era un’opzione di “uscita” da questa crisi ancor più pericolosa che andava arginata e battuta: la liquidazione totale bertinottiana e vendoliana attraverso la costruzione di un partito genericamente di sinistra e geneticamente orpello del PD. Dentro questo contesto esce l’appello dei Comunisti Uniti che, al di là di tutte different intentions which undoubtedly worked there, has for the first time in connection with the conviction spread, is largely of PRC and PdCI that many comrades of the "diaspora", which does not exist to revive the role of communists in this phase regain autonomy without the framework imposed by the compatibility of the "government" and without calling at the center of class conflict than even necessary steps election.
Then the political space for this unit option of the Communists, not surprisingly, it grows a lot in recent months when it becomes clear that the "turning point" Congress is not final and, with the Federation, returns today to speak of left-wing political parties allied with the PD, and perhaps even with the UDC.
D. From the Alps to the Pyramids agreements between the government and left the Democratic Party, sometimes enlarged UDC, multiply. And the basis of the two parties often rebels. We have seen in Liguria, Piemonte, Lazio, Basilicata.
R. Unfortunately, since its inception, the Federation of the Left has been presented as an attempt to build a mere electoral coalition. And in doing so he looked only to their right to occupy the spaces of the Left and Freedom as the main interlocutor of the PD. The subordination of this centrist party, frankly, now mold even more social-liberal of how social-democratic, is the fact that there is now aligned to its tactical approach UDC. This was reflected also in some local alliances in the next regional. Many companies inside and outside the PRC and PdCI expected from a conference held in the opposite direction that brought the communists to be "the heart of the opposition class" and not for crutch liberal and moderate forces often colluded with the underworld. In these regional elections instead you go into alliance with the PD, not by the imposition of the minimum points of the class, but wherever it wants and you go alone only where the forces of moderation did not want the alliance with the Federation . Autonomy in the face!
was therefore logical (but not obvious) to expect a revolt of the clubs and sections, and entire federations. As well as outside of the two parties can improve their distrust of the Federation and the prospects that you go hunting. The movement that was created around the revival of the Communist Party USA has certainly made up of those who are rebelling in the two parties to this new turning off moderate and those who want to build a political perspective which gives a signal to break this bad habit with bankruptcy. Also because the fortunes of the Communists in front of the masses are unfortunately common. Not enough to make "beautiful souls" and say "I do not have anything to do with these choices." We need to start respecting the membership of each, to build a political alternative and the basis for going to a party for all the Communists placed anywhere worthy of the name.
D. In this context, very different from what you were born, her second appeal of a united community. What goals you want to achieve in this new phase?
R. For now the goal is to spread as much as possible the open letter, published in the "manifesto" on Jan. 21, and collect as many accessions as possible with our small means. In the letter published on the site
www.comunistiuniti.it contains the "stakes" in which the main we then open the local working groups, the "common house", which connects these comrades across the political and organizational affiliations of each giving an instrument of political struggle and not more than inventing a new small parties or another organization. We need to open a new phase which breaks with the past, so we reject the dichotomy between roads that have already tested and proven not to work. That's simple "entryism" with the passive acceptance of the lesser evil (both the PRC, the PdCI or the Federation), which always leads to the anchor worse. That division of the atom with which it is operating divisions or infinite creation of new small parties with micro-macro-revolutionaries.
D. Un “controappello” dall’interno della Federazione vi accusa di utilizzare il malumore dei militanti di PRC e PDCI per fomentare posizioni “estremiste” che porterebbero all’isolamento dell sinistra.
R. Ne abbiamo parlato ma non siamo particolarmente colpiti da queste critiche. Non credo neanche si voglia fare un vero “controappello”. Sarebbe sciocco da parte degli estensori. Mi sembra più che si inseguano dei “fantasmi” dove non ci sono e che non si voglia leggere la fase attuale contestualizzando una serie di riferimenti teorici totalmente inefficaci se non calibrati nella situazione concreta. Infatti, in questa lettera di alcuni compagni dell’Ernesto and the PDCI, the part that I think is one where substantial, in essence, we learned from covering the trial on alliances and association with acceptance of the logic of "lesser evil". This distorts the sense of both the first and second appeal of a united community. Besides, our assessment on alliances with the PD is given by an injury "ideological" but a precise analysis (which can not be shared but not mystified) on the class nature of this training policy and goals of the Communists and the modern movement for workers should be given at this stage of resistance to restructuring and government employers. On the contrary we will continue to suffer from the current reactionary hegemony in the crisis of capitalism without serving a useful or necessary to class let alone be part of the then advanced in a united front anticpaitalista!
D. In January, you were one of the promoters of a successful national meeting of workers of companies in crisis. How to bind "unity of the communists" and representation of the labor movement and the fight?
R. That meeting of the employees of companies in crisis have come from all over Italy and belonging to different unions (mainly FIOM and CGIL and grassroots unions), in which delegates were also our sponsors, was an interesting observation embodiment of part of what we saying on the centrality of class conflict. There is no unity of the Communists if it is not binding on the recapture of a range of class. And there is no independence without the construction of autonomous political agenda, and not subject to the constraints imposed by national or local governance, protection of wages (at large, so even the house, services, pensions, etc. .. ), defense of jobs, union democracy, etc ... We need to start from what was called "minimum program of class and put at the heart of building a broad anti-capitalist front. Be useful to reconnect the individual struggles in a broader platform of resistance sociale alla crisi e gettare le basi per un’alternativa di sistema e non di mero “governo”. Sulla base di questo e della formazione di un nuovo blocco sociale di riferimento si può parlare di quali “larghe alleanze” convengano o meno. Si possono affrontare tornate elettorali e quant’altro. Ovviamente, noi possiamo solo dare un contributo a rimettere insieme quanti più compagne e compagni possibile a fare questo lavoro. Non possiamo risolvere il problema a partire da noi. Il tema della non autosufficienza dei singoli spezzoni dell’attuale movimento comunista è per noi centrale.
D. Quando ci si propone di “unire i comunisti” ci si imbatte inevitabilmente nel problema dei riferimenti international. How will you address it?
R. As I said, we can not "get their trousers to the world" as U.S. and only from the Communists from all of us solve the problems of the communist movement. Even more, we are not a party but a movement and some differences will continue to have them even at home. From time to time we will analyze and make the most forward position possible from a viewpoint in the current class. Definitely try to have a anti-imperialist vision that leads us to be on the side of the people who resist the imperialist aggressions, either under the auspices of the U.S. unilateral and multilateral negotiations in the EU. Meanwhile, we start by denouncing the role of our paese nel gotha delle potenze imperialiste, chiedere il ritiro delle truppe militari, la chiusura della basi, la riconversione delle spese militari verso quelle sociali. E’ sempre facile prendere posizione su processi complessi che avvengono a migliaia di chilometri di distanza, molto meno lo è quando devi farlo sulle questioni che ti sono più vicine e che influenzano più direttamente il conflitto capitale/lavoro nel tuo paese.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Get On Facebook With Web Block
A thin majority of Ukrainians are in favor an input in the 'European Union, but two thirds of Ukrainians are against an entry into NATO.
This is the result of an opinion poll published in recent days.
How Long Before My Honeymoon Should I Get A Wax?
Siamo molto preoccupati e, per questo, molto incazzati, indignati. E ci ribelliamo
di Giovanni Russo Spena
editoriale su www.liberazione.it
La democrazia costituzionale, della cui crisi Liberazione ha fornito an interpretive paradigm of historical context, it seems, now vanished in the permanent state of exception. The decree "Save the PDL list" shows the structural incompatibility of Berlusconi by the system of rules. The impermeability of the same political civilization. We are facing a gross abuse of power of impunity (such as the Economist, not free). When the system of rules is, for the powerful and only for the powerful, subject to the "substance" (as stated Schifani second position in the State, and Fini, the third position in the State, has kept quiet this time) shows the true foundation of right wing politics: the populist plebiscite that shatters any regulatory system, which comes to the relationship between the supreme leader and the people, given the amorphous mass and inert. We have reached a form of fascistic irreducibility of power to the rules of civil coexistence. And are the words of the Russian Fascist, Alemanno, Polverini, the temptation of the streets to save interests. It 's a delicate point: the election rules, which govern the formation of representation, that of popular sovereignty, are unavailable for part of interpretations. It 'was written for a previous absolute gravity that turns democracy, in everyday behavior, in the marginal procedure that can be relativized. From today, changes the perception of the relationship between citizenship and statehood: why a girl who comes to a competition should be excluded for errors in the procedures required for admission? At this level of constitutional illegality should be answered, if we had the strength, with the level of organized civil disobedience. It should also open a debate on the bitter fruit that brought us the imposition of the majority system with this devastating crisis of bipolarity. Sorry that the President of the Republic, guaranteeing maximum of constitutional legitimacy, has bowed to threats of fascist Berlusconi: the cowardice of the liberals and the underestimation of the scars were the rule of law, history, very often perniciose. Questo abuso di potere non è altra cosa rispetto all’emergenzialismo che nutre ogni atto della politica del governo: dalla scelta nucleare, alla privatizzazione dell’acqua e dei beni comuni, dalle leggi razziali alla concezione del “fare” come espressione della gerarchia aziendale che si vuole imporre al vertice del Paese. E’ il medesimo assolutismo padronale che, di fatto, abroga l’art. 1 della Costituzione, il lavoro come fondativo della democrazia repubblicana, attuato attraverso la norma approvata dalla maggioranza in Parlamento che calpesta processo del lavoro, statuto dei diritti dei lavoratori, leggi e contratti collettivi. Siamo solidali con Ferrero e Fantozzi che sono, per questo, in sciopero della hunger, the struggle for democracy, for freedom and social struggles are, in the serious context, more than ever indivisible.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Waxing How Long Does Hair Have To Be
Rome, March 6 2010 - "The decree of interpretation adopted by the government in order to 'heal', as acknowledged by the ministers, defaults, errors and irregularities in the presentation of the electoral register in Lombardy and Lazio at the hands of the center, is an abuse that is destruction of the institutional rules and constitutional principles, "This is very tough review of the national spokesperson of the Federation of the Left and candidate for President of the Campania region, Paolo Ferrero." This is an arbitrary act, unworthy of civilization democratic legal, an ad hoc measure that care about all of this common framework of rules and the separation of powers responsible for their supervision which are the precondition of any regular electoral competition - continues the presidential candidate of Campania - It is really depressing and serious that a rigorous and personality mirrored, as the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, to have been involved, by affixing his signature to the government decree, this scandalous violation of constitutional principles, the legal doctrine of separation of powers and the value of democratic society ". For Ferrero Napolitano's signature is" an act filled with bitterness. " Mentre il decreto del governo è “un intervento che riempie di preoccupazione”. Per questo la Federazione della sinistra ritiene che “tutte le forze democratiche e le energie intellettuali si debbano mobilitare da subito contro questo scempio nei confronti di quell’atto supremo della sovranità popolare che è il voto”. A tal fine Ferrero si rivolge “a tutte le forze politiche democratiche, alle organizzazioni sociali, alle forze dell’associazionismo, al mondo della cultura, alle energie intellettuali e della società civile per contrastare questo scempio dei diritti civili e democratici”.
approfondisci >>>
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Where Can U Find Cardigans
A Russian-Indian fighter of 5th generation could be developed by the two countries cave in 2015.
This new plane will be designed jointly by giving priority to the requirements of 'India. But, in all probability, will be based on Russian fighter Sukhoi T-50 that flew for the first time a few days ago and which will come into service in the VVS (Voenno Voshdusnie Silos) in 2015.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Betty Crocker Popcorn Callories
India and Russia are negotiating a new contract for the purchase of 42 more Su-30 MKI.
Secondo il Daily News and Analysis, che cita fonti militari indiane, il nuovo contratto avrebbe un valore di circa 3 miliardi di $.
Il nuovo ordine arriverebbe dopo quelli già contrattati con la Russia, in tre tranche, e porterebbe il totale a 230 caccia e a 8,5 miliardi di $.
Monday, March 1, 2010
California Wrap Insurance Condo Conversion
Il Presidente della Federazione Russa, Medvedev, è arrivato oggi a Parigi per una visita di Stato. Questa sera incontrerà il suo omologo francese Sarkozy e domani i Presidenti del Senato e dell' Assemblea Nazionale. Medvedev inaugurerà formalmente l'anno della Russia in Francia e domani sera sarà ospite del Presidente francese e della moglie Carla Bruni. Non è prevista la conclusione delle trattative per l'acquisto di navi French soldiers on the Russian side.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I Want To Have A Party On A Boat In Columbus Ohio
In this video you can see Ria-Novosti Moscow under a heavy blanket of snow. According to this Municipality in 2010 was the snowiest February in 40 years.
lot of snow
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
How Long To Live With Liver Failure
Nasce, e si spera non solo in funzione elettoralistica, il sito della Federazione della Sinistra, che si propone di essere "uno spazio pubblico, una sorta di stazione di s-cambio. Un sito politico in cui mescolare le voci, la nostra e soprattutto le vostre, mettere in connessione le pratiche politiche, le esperienze, le lotte, la creatività, la critica, la proposta, i soggetti".
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Red Blood Spots Under Skin
Il Manifesto, 26 gennaio 2010. Ferrero:
"Nella tua regione, di fronte all'arroganza del gruppo dirigente del Pd abbiamo fatto fronte comune. Prima rifiutando la proposta che tu non venissi candidato e poi con il comune sostegno alla tua candidatura nelle primarie. Questo fronte comune ha vinto e il tuo splendido risultato ne è la testimonianza. In Puglia ha cioè funzionato in fact a coalition of left-wing alternative, capable of holding a politically autonomous from the Democratic Party, which succeeded, as we managed in 2005 to win the primaries. A coalition of left-wing alternative in the Democratic Party has opened its own contradictions as it has been able to act with their own subjectivity, not subordinate or maneuverability. It was made clear a battle, without subterfuge, both politically and clarity of content and it paid off. "
Monday, January 25, 2010
Staub Cookware Where To Find
from April online:
" It 's a plebiscite for the outgoing governor: about 65 percent of the nearly 200 thousand voters (nearly triple the primaries of 2005) have opted for the primaries Puglia Nichi Vendola. A vote that rewards five years of laboratory Puglia and which requires a big question mark on the future of strategy alemiana. "Today with this result, Puglia has the right to be the laboratory of good policy." With these words Nichi Vendola flanked by Francesco Boccia, has announced his victory in the primaries of the center. "
Continue reading>>>
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Melbourne Budget Furniture
The next step for the election is a renewal of the Regional Council opportunity to reconstruct the fundamental relationship between the institutional representatives of the Left and the public, setting up a renewed pact democratico.L 'Italy is crossed by the crisis of neoliberal globalization. The social-economic model shows, exponentially, all its limitations and is responsible for the impact, especially violent, devastating and dramatic phenomena of social insecurity, unemployment, environmental disasters, threats to human health, are now an everyday emergency characterized by record levels nationwide. A left that wants to intervene on the concrete conditions of life and work of people in the flesh, has a duty to prepare a credible idea of society, and must also face the problem of fly right on the political and cultural counter the social penetration of the joints openly authoritarian and racist. To secure the future of a hypothesis contemporary society needs the Left. In order to secure a political future, the Left needs of herself. There is only one way to do: bring together all political forces, all the subjectivities of the left, on the basis of a platform built around a few key points that allow a glimpse of a new political process aiming at the full and quality employment and redistribution of income through welfare policies, innovative and focused on the needs of communities and people, to promote respect for fundamental rights of persona.Un minimum program that has as its key point defense and exploitation of common resources and the ecosystem. Such political and cultural heritage, has been living in the facts, and can give strength to unite and network with other local disputes, which need to be supported and represented in the next regional council. It 'needs to be done with humility, research and analysis of the movements, political parties, individual intellectuals, men and women who every day with their practices, are trying to promote the values \u200b\u200band principles of the Constitution . E 'class must review its policy mode of action.
It 'necessary to promote a disarticulation of the leading groups of the Left parties that, in recent years have revealed their limits. It 'good to say: a chronic lack of social practices, the political left has often replaced a dangerous and inadequate institutional projection, all played within the system of classical logic. It 's always the most current, therefore, an urgent re-launch a process unit of the New Left. This process is no longer put off in an indeterminate future, but should begin immediately and must produce, starting from the specificity of the territory, the local needs and emergencies, forms, methods and content a true re-foundation of democracy. A unitary process that involves the body and passionate political, cultural, trade union activity. The current moment of uncertainty and weakness of the political and social forces of the Left may be the opportunity for a new beginning We appeal to all souls of the Left to accept the policy proposal to form a unified list in elections for the renewal of the Board Regional, only a strong unitary list on one hand can stop the drift of a right nuclear intolerant, who wants to attack the judicial system and constitutional, that is dismantling public education and the welfare state, which created the crisis in health Lazio and that includes the candidate's election committee President of the Lazio Region characters related to each other's bad politics of the Funds. On the other hand can change the route to the wrong policies of 'outgoing administration in particular block the incinerator project of Albano, the airport of Frosinone-Ferentino the Valley of the Sack of gas turbine engines to Aprilia and the conversion of coal-fired plant Civitavecchia. The new-found unity of the Left could push to make decisions closer to citizens in the themes of 'environment (starting from no to nuclear energy), labor, education and health. It is important to confirm and raise more funds, the minimum income of citizenship and other support tools reddito, all’occupazione e alla formazione. Solo una lista unitaria della sinistra, può essere in grado di avere un senso e un peso all’interno della coalizione di centrosinistra nel Lazio e poter sostenere la candidatura di Emma Bonino. I tempi sono stretti ma non ci si può tirare indietro. E’ necessario porre un limite al processo di frammentazione della Sinistra Politica. Soltanto la mobilitazione di tutte le energie, le esperienze, i partiti, le associazione, i movimenti, la società civile può ridare progettualità, forza e concretezza alla sinistra. divulga questo appello e fallo diventare realtà!!!!!!!
Per aderire:http://www.facebook.com/n/?group.php&gid=59921922059&mid=1c44407G5660f68cG14283c7G6
Friday, January 8, 2010
Pain Deep Inside Upper Arm
"In recent days, had denounced the confusion and slippage of the PD towards a purely centrist. On this basis, we have initiated meetings with Italy of Values \u200b\u200band Freedom Left and ecology . Last night was held the meeting between Ferrero and Di Pietro and this morning there was a meeting between the coordinamentonazionale Federation of the Left led by Paolo Ferrero and a delegation of Left Freedom and ecology led by Nichi Vendola.
From this we will first positive interlocution promoters in the coming days for further meetings that go beyond the character of bilateralism "