Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Red Blood Spots Under Skin
Il Manifesto, 26 gennaio 2010. Ferrero:
"Nella tua regione, di fronte all'arroganza del gruppo dirigente del Pd abbiamo fatto fronte comune. Prima rifiutando la proposta che tu non venissi candidato e poi con il comune sostegno alla tua candidatura nelle primarie. Questo fronte comune ha vinto e il tuo splendido risultato ne è la testimonianza. In Puglia ha cioè funzionato in fact a coalition of left-wing alternative, capable of holding a politically autonomous from the Democratic Party, which succeeded, as we managed in 2005 to win the primaries. A coalition of left-wing alternative in the Democratic Party has opened its own contradictions as it has been able to act with their own subjectivity, not subordinate or maneuverability. It was made clear a battle, without subterfuge, both politically and clarity of content and it paid off. "
Monday, January 25, 2010
Staub Cookware Where To Find
from April online:
" It 's a plebiscite for the outgoing governor: about 65 percent of the nearly 200 thousand voters (nearly triple the primaries of 2005) have opted for the primaries Puglia Nichi Vendola. A vote that rewards five years of laboratory Puglia and which requires a big question mark on the future of strategy alemiana. "Today with this result, Puglia has the right to be the laboratory of good policy." With these words Nichi Vendola flanked by Francesco Boccia, has announced his victory in the primaries of the center. "
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Saturday, January 23, 2010
Melbourne Budget Furniture
The next step for the election is a renewal of the Regional Council opportunity to reconstruct the fundamental relationship between the institutional representatives of the Left and the public, setting up a renewed pact democratico.L 'Italy is crossed by the crisis of neoliberal globalization. The social-economic model shows, exponentially, all its limitations and is responsible for the impact, especially violent, devastating and dramatic phenomena of social insecurity, unemployment, environmental disasters, threats to human health, are now an everyday emergency characterized by record levels nationwide. A left that wants to intervene on the concrete conditions of life and work of people in the flesh, has a duty to prepare a credible idea of society, and must also face the problem of fly right on the political and cultural counter the social penetration of the joints openly authoritarian and racist. To secure the future of a hypothesis contemporary society needs the Left. In order to secure a political future, the Left needs of herself. There is only one way to do: bring together all political forces, all the subjectivities of the left, on the basis of a platform built around a few key points that allow a glimpse of a new political process aiming at the full and quality employment and redistribution of income through welfare policies, innovative and focused on the needs of communities and people, to promote respect for fundamental rights of persona.Un minimum program that has as its key point defense and exploitation of common resources and the ecosystem. Such political and cultural heritage, has been living in the facts, and can give strength to unite and network with other local disputes, which need to be supported and represented in the next regional council. It 'needs to be done with humility, research and analysis of the movements, political parties, individual intellectuals, men and women who every day with their practices, are trying to promote the values \u200b\u200band principles of the Constitution . E 'class must review its policy mode of action.
It 'necessary to promote a disarticulation of the leading groups of the Left parties that, in recent years have revealed their limits. It 'good to say: a chronic lack of social practices, the political left has often replaced a dangerous and inadequate institutional projection, all played within the system of classical logic. It 's always the most current, therefore, an urgent re-launch a process unit of the New Left. This process is no longer put off in an indeterminate future, but should begin immediately and must produce, starting from the specificity of the territory, the local needs and emergencies, forms, methods and content a true re-foundation of democracy. A unitary process that involves the body and passionate political, cultural, trade union activity. The current moment of uncertainty and weakness of the political and social forces of the Left may be the opportunity for a new beginning We appeal to all souls of the Left to accept the policy proposal to form a unified list in elections for the renewal of the Board Regional, only a strong unitary list on one hand can stop the drift of a right nuclear intolerant, who wants to attack the judicial system and constitutional, that is dismantling public education and the welfare state, which created the crisis in health Lazio and that includes the candidate's election committee President of the Lazio Region characters related to each other's bad politics of the Funds. On the other hand can change the route to the wrong policies of 'outgoing administration in particular block the incinerator project of Albano, the airport of Frosinone-Ferentino the Valley of the Sack of gas turbine engines to Aprilia and the conversion of coal-fired plant Civitavecchia. The new-found unity of the Left could push to make decisions closer to citizens in the themes of 'environment (starting from no to nuclear energy), labor, education and health. It is important to confirm and raise more funds, the minimum income of citizenship and other support tools reddito, all’occupazione e alla formazione. Solo una lista unitaria della sinistra, può essere in grado di avere un senso e un peso all’interno della coalizione di centrosinistra nel Lazio e poter sostenere la candidatura di Emma Bonino. I tempi sono stretti ma non ci si può tirare indietro. E’ necessario porre un limite al processo di frammentazione della Sinistra Politica. Soltanto la mobilitazione di tutte le energie, le esperienze, i partiti, le associazione, i movimenti, la società civile può ridare progettualità, forza e concretezza alla sinistra. divulga questo appello e fallo diventare realtà!!!!!!!
Per aderire:http://www.facebook.com/n/?group.php&gid=59921922059&mid=1c44407G5660f68cG14283c7G6
Friday, January 8, 2010
Pain Deep Inside Upper Arm
"In recent days, had denounced the confusion and slippage of the PD towards a purely centrist. On this basis, we have initiated meetings with Italy of Values \u200b\u200band Freedom Left and ecology . Last night was held the meeting between Ferrero and Di Pietro and this morning there was a meeting between the coordinamentonazionale Federation of the Left led by Paolo Ferrero and a delegation of Left Freedom and ecology led by Nichi Vendola.
From this we will first positive interlocution promoters in the coming days for further meetings that go beyond the character of bilateralism "