FdS: What
Liberation, November 23, 2010
Bellotti: break with the center-
interview Frida Nacinovich
Claudio Bellotti said "no." He does not like the Federation of the Left. His is the only alterative document presented at the conference last weekend at the hotel Ergife. Question of the obligation "dissident" because they do not want to federate with Oliviero Diliberto, Cesare Salvi Giampaolo Patta?
Boccio political guidance proposed by the Federation. The Democratic Alliance weakens the claim of conflict that comes from society, is incompatible with the platform of the demonstration on October 16, irreconcilable with the struggles of migrants.
In short, the Congress of the Federation Ergife was a disaster.
For one thing, we are building the Federation chooses to have a relationship with a union member, Labour and Solidarity, "sided with the majority of the CGIL in key partnership, not with the Fiom. How can you claim to have the same positions when Maurizio Landini marry instead setting the majority of the CGIL union? What alternative do we propose to Marchionne?
guess that even the most purely political profile - the relationship with the PD and the rest of the center ahead of elections - you are at least puzzled.
The agreement with the Democratic Party is a sort of withdrawal, magazine and not too correct. A string will have the votes to bring about a government but we are ashamed to say it, and I decided not to join. But I think that we should not continue to be ambiguous. On the one hand there are those who are with the struggles with the Fiom, with the temporary school, with the movement for public water, to the end and without contradictions. The other people who keep one foot in the struggles and the other in the center, always ready to sacrifice the reasons for the workers to the logic of alliances with adverse social forces. In the absence of this clear demarcation is inevitable that the Federation of the left is a trailer towed by the Left and freedom, since it embodies so much more linear hypothesis a new center-left. In other words, if the line is the consensus this election will ultimately reward Nichi Vendola.
cite Lenin do?
must make a long term investment. Thinking about the next day does not lead anywhere a left that should be able to propose alternative policies Berlusconi a Confindustria and in crisis. He added that not even I am fascinated by the hypothesis of a caretaker government. On this point, Casini has already said - and clearly - that those in the square with the metalworkers FIOM October 16 is out of a reformist project. I was there in the square on 16 and I am glad to be out of the reformist project del'Udc.
Thumbs down to the Federation of the left point.
The Federation is an electoral cartel, already experienced in European and regional allies. This is an unusual conference, everyone in here is what we want. Sure, it looks like a Communist PRC companies decided to sell his controlling stake. And since we are very critical, adding that this is also the Congress shielded most of the story: the audience is fully appointed, the statute has been discussed by eight people, there is no possibility to influence, or on the debate or the bodies. Turning to the merits, we must have the courage to break clear. The movements that have joined thousands of people sull'acqua pubblica e la stessa Fiom con la manifestazione del 16 ottobre, questo coraggio lo hanno avuto.
Qui all'Ergife sono passati Flavia D'Angeli di Sinistra Critica e Marco Ferrando del Partito comunista dei lavoratori, le loro critiche sono molto simili, quasi identiche alle tue.
Ho salutato Flavia e Marco con amicizia e rispetto. Da parte mia ho presentato un documento molto chiaro al congresso: penso che la sinistra debba rompere con il centrosinistra e ripartire dai movimenti sociali. Quindi chiedo alla Federazione un radicale cambiamento di rotta.
Tiriamo le somme: Bellotti dice "no", non fa calcoli elettorali, chiede piĆ¹ lotte e meno alleanze.
Quei compagni che sono climbed up the crane does not have wondered how many votes they had. They asked how many had reasons for making that gesture. They have made what we believe is right and have earned the consensus of many people. To the left is courage, a courage that is not to don Abbondio.