Web Design Genova V2.0
With a bit of excitement we report today the official launch of beta version 2.0 of Web Design Genova : the site as it was in a past post was created as an experiment in Frome to flash on search engines to see how far you could push the ranking of a site structured in this way.
finished the experiment we decided to choose a more balanced format, fondendo html css e flash in un'unica soluzione: il sito, ancora in beta, ha alcuni leggeri glitch, ma è fondalmente finito: ancora più del solito aspettiamo con ansia commenti e feedback !
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Mini Cooper Oil Changes
Il dottor Actionscript
In questi giorni di post a singhiozzo, tra scadenze imminenti e giornate d'Agosto che paiono scappate dalla tarda primavera, approfittiamo di una lieta novella per farci sentire di nuovo: l'occasione ce la da il lancio di un blog, l' Actionscript Blog di Marlon Venezuela, che nel giro di qualche mese entrerà sicuramente tra i bookmarks di tutti gli actionscripters che si rispettino.
Anche se il nome sarà nuovo ai più potrebbe accendere a bell hardcore Flash developers who attend board as Actionscript.org and LeeBrimelow.com , namely two of the best with the ActionScript community dedicated more or less advanced.
Here, Marlon Venezuela, one of those forums is one of the best fixer, which is one of those rare people who, instead of responding to e-sos so contemptuous or proposing fixes to "cool", take your code and find bugs in seconds: a sort of Dr. Actionscript, now aproffitterà column of her blog to document the long series of "interventions" relief provided in the past two years, offer basic and advanced tutorials, to the delight of all those who are at war with unpacked or inertial effects can not even run a preloader.
'Nuff Said!
In questi giorni di post a singhiozzo, tra scadenze imminenti e giornate d'Agosto che paiono scappate dalla tarda primavera, approfittiamo di una lieta novella per farci sentire di nuovo: l'occasione ce la da il lancio di un blog, l' Actionscript Blog di Marlon Venezuela, che nel giro di qualche mese entrerà sicuramente tra i bookmarks di tutti gli actionscripters che si rispettino.
Anche se il nome sarà nuovo ai più potrebbe accendere a bell hardcore Flash developers who attend board as Actionscript.org and LeeBrimelow.com , namely two of the best with the ActionScript community dedicated more or less advanced.
Here, Marlon Venezuela, one of those forums is one of the best fixer, which is one of those rare people who, instead of responding to e-sos so contemptuous or proposing fixes to "cool", take your code and find bugs in seconds: a sort of Dr. Actionscript, now aproffitterà column of her blog to document the long series of "interventions" relief provided in the past two years, offer basic and advanced tutorials, to the delight of all those who are at war with unpacked or inertial effects can not even run a preloader.
'Nuff Said!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Cineplex Admissions Prices
Guido Crapanzano
In these days of August a little strange to vafare happen to be on the internet aimlessly, idly surfing the net as when it was still a novelty and a flash animation could still raise motions of enthusiasm and amazing: in the middle of my trip I found myself in front of buildings a character that speed and travel has made many more than me, and not with the mouse, but with bags and suitcases. His name is Guido Crapanzano
and his biography is one that displace and marvel shoulder and friend Beatles expert in cybernetics, psychosomatic medicine and numismatics, art lover and researcher at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, designated the European Monetary Institute to select the designs for the euro, the television commentator and world traveler: U.S., Asia, Europe and Oceania lines in every inch of sixty-eight years of tireless travel.
a particular figure, the kind that make you want to get busy and a biography that stories serve only to post 10. Check it out, who knows what is good for a while to shake out of your slumber summer;)
In these days of August a little strange to vafare happen to be on the internet aimlessly, idly surfing the net as when it was still a novelty and a flash animation could still raise motions of enthusiasm and amazing: in the middle of my trip I found myself in front of buildings a character that speed and travel has made many more than me, and not with the mouse, but with bags and suitcases. His name is Guido Crapanzano
and his biography is one that displace and marvel shoulder and friend Beatles expert in cybernetics, psychosomatic medicine and numismatics, art lover and researcher at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, designated the European Monetary Institute to select the designs for the euro, the television commentator and world traveler: U.S., Asia, Europe and Oceania lines in every inch of sixty-eight years of tireless travel.
a particular figure, the kind that make you want to get busy and a biography that stories serve only to post 10. Check it out, who knows what is good for a while to shake out of your slumber summer;)
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Kaiser Permanente -kaiserquotes -ekaiserinsurance
Directory tedesche
Finding German free directory is an operation which seem complicated, although molto utile nel momento in cui si voglia uscire bene sui motori per query generate da utenti di madrelingua tedesca .
Il primo ostacolo risiede nella nomenclatura: forse non tutti sanno che le directory in Germania si chiamano Katalog, un punto importante se si vuole evitare di disperdere ore prezione in ricerce inutili.
A quel punto ovviamente perchè la ricerca funzioni bisogna settare il tedesco come lingua principale altrimenti i risultati della query non potranno che essere falsati.
Tanto per permettervi di cominciare da subito, partendo dal presupposto che abbiate un minimo di conoscenza della lingua, vi segnaliamo un sito che elenca una manciata di directory tedesche , il resto della caccia lo lasciamo a voi per non togliervi il gusto della sfida.
Viel Spass ! ( Buon divertimento ! )
Finding German free directory is an operation which seem complicated, although molto utile nel momento in cui si voglia uscire bene sui motori per query generate da utenti di madrelingua tedesca .
Il primo ostacolo risiede nella nomenclatura: forse non tutti sanno che le directory in Germania si chiamano Katalog, un punto importante se si vuole evitare di disperdere ore prezione in ricerce inutili.
A quel punto ovviamente perchè la ricerca funzioni bisogna settare il tedesco come lingua principale altrimenti i risultati della query non potranno che essere falsati.
Tanto per permettervi di cominciare da subito, partendo dal presupposto che abbiate un minimo di conoscenza della lingua, vi segnaliamo un sito che elenca una manciata di directory tedesche , il resto della caccia lo lasciamo a voi per non togliervi il gusto della sfida.
Viel Spass ! ( Buon divertimento ! )
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Pinnacle Alternative For Mac
Poche visite al sito : è Agosto baby !
Una delle più brutte esperienze che si troverà ad affrontare qualsiasi webmaster/web designer/ seo nel corso della carriera è quella di rimanere a lavorare in città ad Agosto: e non solo e non tanto per il fatto di rimanere da solo in città in compagnia di un esercito di ottantenni in canottiera e di altri 4 disgraziati in bilico sull'orlo di un esaurimento nervoso, ostaggio di bus-stufe e di ventilatori in prognosi riservata.
C'è qualcosa di molto peggio: assistere, impotenti e confusi, al crollo improvviso delle visite, allo svuotarsi delle stanze dei forum, costretti a phone calls to friends and acquaintances in an attempt to increase somewhat the rate of daily visits, property with an eye mullet to set the counter stats: "Uh, look, a visit from Reggio to 5, must Piero!" "Mmm, 9 am, Bologna, Netscape, this is the grandmother, do I call to thank her."
You all know what to do at least once, at least in mid-August: there is an option in your computer, probably you have not discovered yet, it is quite strange: You can turn your computer.
It 's a strange experience, you should try it, at least 15 August, who knows, you let yourself be satisfied: in fact from shivers of pleasure, but does not last long ...
E lo so io, e lo sapete pure voi, che dopo due ore sarete di nuovo lì a consultare le statistiche: non dimenticate di chiedere agli zii !
Una delle più brutte esperienze che si troverà ad affrontare qualsiasi webmaster/web designer/ seo nel corso della carriera è quella di rimanere a lavorare in città ad Agosto: e non solo e non tanto per il fatto di rimanere da solo in città in compagnia di un esercito di ottantenni in canottiera e di altri 4 disgraziati in bilico sull'orlo di un esaurimento nervoso, ostaggio di bus-stufe e di ventilatori in prognosi riservata.
C'è qualcosa di molto peggio: assistere, impotenti e confusi, al crollo improvviso delle visite, allo svuotarsi delle stanze dei forum, costretti a phone calls to friends and acquaintances in an attempt to increase somewhat the rate of daily visits, property with an eye mullet to set the counter stats: "Uh, look, a visit from Reggio to 5, must Piero!" "Mmm, 9 am, Bologna, Netscape, this is the grandmother, do I call to thank her."
You all know what to do at least once, at least in mid-August: there is an option in your computer, probably you have not discovered yet, it is quite strange: You can turn your computer.
It 's a strange experience, you should try it, at least 15 August, who knows, you let yourself be satisfied: in fact from shivers of pleasure, but does not last long ...
E lo so io, e lo sapete pure voi, che dopo due ore sarete di nuovo lì a consultare le statistiche: non dimenticate di chiedere agli zii !
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Do Men Have A Bigger Stomach Than Women
L'uscita di Windows Vista
Le ultime voci la danno per Gennaio, ma di date negli ultimi mesi se ne sono sentite tante, prima confermate, poi, inevitabilmente, smentite: probabilmente nessun sistema operativo ha mai suscitato, ancor prima di uscire, così tante discussioni e critiche.
Prime fra tutte quelle sulla privacy, che ci parlano di un os "grande fratello" in grado di decidere, indirettamente, quali software dobbiamo utilizzare, in un tentativo di soffocare la diffusione dei freeware, primo fra tutti Linux: voci poi smentite dalla gran parte degli addetti ai lavori, rimaste nel limbo delle voci di corridoio e delle mezze bufale.
Poi il gettonatissimo filmato in cui si mostra come tutte le novità introdotte e pubblicizzate in Vista non siano altro che la riproposizione, ancora una volta, di idee e strumenti presenti sul Mac da anni.
Ma soprattutto le infinite voci sull'assoluta instabilità del nuovo sistema operativo, a quanto pare la causa principale dei continui rinvii : l'ultimo come dicevamo ha spostato l'uscita a Gennaio e dovrebbe essere definitivo.
Ma nel frattempo, i gossip, proseguono ...
Le ultime voci la danno per Gennaio, ma di date negli ultimi mesi se ne sono sentite tante, prima confermate, poi, inevitabilmente, smentite: probabilmente nessun sistema operativo ha mai suscitato, ancor prima di uscire, così tante discussioni e critiche.
Prime fra tutte quelle sulla privacy, che ci parlano di un os "grande fratello" in grado di decidere, indirettamente, quali software dobbiamo utilizzare, in un tentativo di soffocare la diffusione dei freeware, primo fra tutti Linux: voci poi smentite dalla gran parte degli addetti ai lavori, rimaste nel limbo delle voci di corridoio e delle mezze bufale.
Poi il gettonatissimo filmato in cui si mostra come tutte le novità introdotte e pubblicizzate in Vista non siano altro che la riproposizione, ancora una volta, di idee e strumenti presenti sul Mac da anni.
Ma soprattutto le infinite voci sull'assoluta instabilità del nuovo sistema operativo, a quanto pare la causa principale dei continui rinvii : l'ultimo come dicevamo ha spostato l'uscita a Gennaio e dovrebbe essere definitivo.
Ma nel frattempo, i gossip, proseguono ...
Monday, August 7, 2006
Battery Charger Cables - Short Marine Batteries
Nasce la GT directory
A quanto pare è periodo di lanci ( e rilanci ) perchè anche oggi ci troviamo a segnalare il lancio a new project, this time a directory, designed and developed by volcanic Giorgio Tave GT with the collaboration of the entire staff.
Aware that directory there is a dime a dozen and that you lose track of so many in a short time now the GT brand territory in explaining what the directory will be different GT:
-D.: What does plus the GT Directory?
-R.: For each site you can express your vote and insert a comment.
As a test of the comments are moderated, but if we could collect as much feedback in the space of a year your votes can help to enact the best web sites on the Web Italian and this data will not pass unnoticed
addition, we have a system of internal News we will use for press and / or information regarding the work of internal staff. The News, where available, are visible at the bottom left, after the area dedicated to the editors.
There is also a key element of which would be absurd to ignore: the high trust rank that involves the entire domain of gt which can only benefit from the sites "selected" and included in the directory, a factor not be underestimated when you consider that the Trust and PR are factors as important if not more access when you need to evaluate a directory.
Inevitably be a "good luck" and the hope of becoming a new, small Dmoz;)
A quanto pare è periodo di lanci ( e rilanci ) perchè anche oggi ci troviamo a segnalare il lancio a new project, this time a directory, designed and developed by volcanic Giorgio Tave GT with the collaboration of the entire staff.
Aware that directory there is a dime a dozen and that you lose track of so many in a short time now the GT brand territory in explaining what the directory will be different GT:
-D.: What does plus the GT Directory?
-R.: For each site you can express your vote and insert a comment.
As a test of the comments are moderated, but if we could collect as much feedback in the space of a year your votes can help to enact the best web sites on the Web Italian and this data will not pass unnoticed
addition, we have a system of internal News we will use for press and / or information regarding the work of internal staff. The News, where available, are visible at the bottom left, after the area dedicated to the editors.
There is also a key element of which would be absurd to ignore: the high trust rank that involves the entire domain of gt which can only benefit from the sites "selected" and included in the directory, a factor not be underestimated when you consider that the Trust and PR are factors as important if not more access when you need to evaluate a directory.
Inevitably be a "good luck" and the hope of becoming a new, small Dmoz;)
Sunday, August 6, 2006
Black Hairs In Head And White Beards
Il rilancio di Genova Press
The post today is dedicated to GenovaPress , a site that we worked in terms seo in an attempt to take full advantage of the huge potential: it is an information portal dedicated to Genoa and Liguria in general, updated quotidinianamente a run-in staff of editors and photographers. News across the range covering the most diverse areas: from politics to sports, through theatrical events, and more generally related to the entertainment world.
If the graphics and the huge General news archives have been kept intact, we tried to improve the storage of information to facilitate the indexing by engines, with a greater appreciation of the single-page news: this will make it easier for the user to find news of interest directly from Google.
also has tried to create a parallel thread on the site, to service the tourism within the site will be reported to the best restaurants, hotels, car rental in Genoa and will soon be available a section devoted to the main static attractions Genovesi and cultural as well as to the site of great interest not only for "locals", but also for anyone planning a vacation or a trip to Genoa.
As usual comments are more than welcome ...
The post today is dedicated to GenovaPress , a site that we worked in terms seo in an attempt to take full advantage of the huge potential: it is an information portal dedicated to Genoa and Liguria in general, updated quotidinianamente a run-in staff of editors and photographers. News across the range covering the most diverse areas: from politics to sports, through theatrical events, and more generally related to the entertainment world.
If the graphics and the huge General news archives have been kept intact, we tried to improve the storage of information to facilitate the indexing by engines, with a greater appreciation of the single-page news: this will make it easier for the user to find news of interest directly from Google.
also has tried to create a parallel thread on the site, to service the tourism within the site will be reported to the best restaurants, hotels, car rental in Genoa and will soon be available a section devoted to the main static attractions Genovesi and cultural as well as to the site of great interest not only for "locals", but also for anyone planning a vacation or a trip to Genoa.
As usual comments are more than welcome ...
Saturday, August 5, 2006
Imax Ticket Price Ottawa
Conto alla rovescia
After two weeks of absence due to holidays, the blog is back online, also because it could not remain silent any longer the mystery that winds for days on the columns of forum GT: Since one of the competitors added to signs a mysterious countdown a kind of mass psychosis has gradually taken possession of the user, who can not help but wonder what really happen at the time previously x. Predicted
serious and semi-serious, political fiction apocalyptic visions and nightmares, technological scenarios revolutionized equilibrium and finally reversed, and upheaval in the universe seo anthropomorphization algorithms, Pandora's box has been open now and can no longer close.
L 'clock' marks at the time -55 days, less than two months, so we'll wait to see the true nature of the event: To kill time we also joined us in the fashion and we have included in the signature dot with a countdown ready to be on the lookout for any clues to solve the mystery.
Stay tuned, we are working for you!
After two weeks of absence due to holidays, the blog is back online, also because it could not remain silent any longer the mystery that winds for days on the columns of forum GT: Since one of the competitors added to signs a mysterious countdown a kind of mass psychosis has gradually taken possession of the user, who can not help but wonder what really happen at the time previously x. Predicted
serious and semi-serious, political fiction apocalyptic visions and nightmares, technological scenarios revolutionized equilibrium and finally reversed, and upheaval in the universe seo anthropomorphization algorithms, Pandora's box has been open now and can no longer close.
L 'clock' marks at the time -55 days, less than two months, so we'll wait to see the true nature of the event: To kill time we also joined us in the fashion and we have included in the signature dot with a countdown ready to be on the lookout for any clues to solve the mystery.
Stay tuned, we are working for you!
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