After two weeks of absence due to holidays, the blog is back online, also because it could not remain silent any longer the mystery that winds for days on the columns of forum GT: Since one of the competitors added to signs a mysterious countdown a kind of mass psychosis has gradually taken possession of the user, who can not help but wonder what really happen at the time previously x. Predicted
serious and semi-serious, political fiction apocalyptic visions and nightmares, technological scenarios revolutionized equilibrium and finally reversed, and upheaval in the universe seo anthropomorphization algorithms, Pandora's box has been open now and can no longer close.
L 'clock' marks at the time -55 days, less than two months, so we'll wait to see the true nature of the event: To kill time we also joined us in the fashion and we have included in the signature dot with a countdown ready to be on the lookout for any clues to solve the mystery.
Stay tuned, we are working for you!
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