Around the need for prevention and assistance related to liver diseases have emerged and then grew over the years, various associations. This is thanks to the enthusiasm of patients, family members or doctors and health workers.
In some cases, the individual associations have opened the way for original approaches to prevention,
educational, welfare and protection of rights. In this context we find the challenge of the Federation Liver-Pool: patients, transplant recipients and simple volunteers have met and have decided that in Italy - since then, was 2003 - a single voice would have represented them in the fight against liver disease. It was the voice of suffering and solidarity - from Friuli Venezia Giulia alla Calabria, dalla Sardegna alla Sicilia - è corsa veloce e si è alzata forte. La voce di decine d’associazioni e di migliaia di soci, sostenitori e simpatizzanti. Una sfida irrinunciabile.
Questo Convegno nasce quindi non casualmente; ma per l’impegno che la Federazione Liver-Pool, il Centro Nazionale Trapianti, l’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato, i volontari, le singole associazioni e tutte le istituzioni, governative e locali, hanno profuso - con contributi diversi, ma ben integrati - negli ultimi anni nella cura e nell’assistenza di queste persone.
Nel quadro Il buon Samaritano - tela dell’inizio del XVIII secolo di Niccolò Malinconico, scelta come icona del convegno - Is enclosed in the spirit in which the artist was able to grasp the value of life and solidarity. And in this spirit that goes beyond life, must be addressed - from Liverpool, the CNT and AISF - the challenges of today for the rights of sick people. The President
Liverpool, dr. Salvatore Ricca Rosellini

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