Appeals and Di Pietro Ferrero for joint demonstrations against government policies
The economic crisis is resulting in increasing social suffering. The increase in job insecurity, loss of jobs, wages and pensions with which they struggle to make ends meet are the views shared by the whole country. The government instead of intervening to resolve this situation worse by cutting social spending and education, with the compression of wages and pensions in the attack on the national labor contract is just the latest. In addition, the Executive shall make every effort to foment war between the poor with racist and xenophobic measures on immigration.
What's more, the government has launched measures as the tax shelter that legalize tax evasion and dishonesty, has earmarked a huge amount of money to the banks for the purchase of fighter jets and unnecessary for major works such as the Strait of Messina bridge.
The Government therefore serves to aggravate the crisis, defends the powers that be and the same time seeks to destroy Italian democracy carrying through the implementation of the plan of P2 Licio Gelli. The proposals of tampering of the Constitution are accompanied by a daily act of undermining the Constitution of the material, the attempt to gag the freedom of information, to limit the autonomy of the Judiciary, of distorting the role of trade unions and to silence workers.
To counter this operation which is both anti-democratic, fascist and socially unjust, we must build a policy response generally strong and unified. We are committed to build mass opposition to restore democracy in the country and in the workplace and requiring the government to change economic and social policy. That's why we ask Berlusconi to resign in light of his clear moral unworthiness to occupy the post of prime minister.
And we propose to all opposition forces to call for the next 5 December a joint demonstration against the policies of the government and ask for the resignation of Prime Minister.
[Antonio Di Pietro, Paolo Ferrero - announced that Tuesday, October 27, 2009]
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Fruz Frozen Yogurt Machine
October 17, 2009. National Anti-racist demonstration outside parliament Parliament A
The 7 October 1989 hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets in Rome for the first major demonstration against the racism. On 24 August the same year at Villa Literno, in the province of Caserta, had been killed a South African refugee, Jerry Essan Masslo.
20 years later, racism has not been defeated, continues to cause fatalities and is powered by the policies of the Berlusconi government. The security package approved by the majority center-right meets a persecutory intent, introducing the crime of "illegal immigration" and a set of rules that worsen the living conditions of migrants, nor contrary to human dignity and fundamental rights.
This dramatic situation is dangerously encouraging and legitimizing the fear in society and violence against any diversità.Intanto in the Sicilian Channel, which is now a real marine cemetery, continue to die hundreds of human beings who are trying to reach the our shores.
It 's time to react and build together a great response of struggle and solidarity to defend the rights of all people rejecting all forms of discrimination and to stop the spread of racism. Therefore we appeal to
tutte le associazioni laiche e religiose, alle organizzazioni sindacali, sociali e politiche, a tutti i movimenti a ogni persona a scendere in piazza il 17 ottobre per dare vita ad una grande manifestazione popolare in grado di dare voce e visibilità ai migranti e all’Italia che non accetta il razzismo sulla base di queste parole d’ordine׃
• No al razzismo• Regolarizzazione generalizzata per tutti• Abrogazione del pacchetto sicurezza• Accoglienza e diritti per tutti• No ai respingimenti e agli accordi bilaterali che li prevedono• Rottura netta del legame tra il permesso di soggiorno e il contratto di lavoro• Diritto di asilo per rifugiati e profughi• Chiusura definitiva dei Centri di Identificazione and Expulsion (CIE) • No conflict between the Italians and foreigners in access rights • right to work, health, housing and education for all and all • Maintenance of a residence permit for those who have lost their jobs • Against all forms of discrimination against gay, lesbian, transgender. • Next to all workers and workers in the struggle to defend their jobs

20 years later, racism has not been defeated, continues to cause fatalities and is powered by the policies of the Berlusconi government. The security package approved by the majority center-right meets a persecutory intent, introducing the crime of "illegal immigration" and a set of rules that worsen the living conditions of migrants, nor contrary to human dignity and fundamental rights.
This dramatic situation is dangerously encouraging and legitimizing the fear in society and violence against any diversità.Intanto in the Sicilian Channel, which is now a real marine cemetery, continue to die hundreds of human beings who are trying to reach the our shores.
It 's time to react and build together a great response of struggle and solidarity to defend the rights of all people rejecting all forms of discrimination and to stop the spread of racism. Therefore we appeal to
tutte le associazioni laiche e religiose, alle organizzazioni sindacali, sociali e politiche, a tutti i movimenti a ogni persona a scendere in piazza il 17 ottobre per dare vita ad una grande manifestazione popolare in grado di dare voce e visibilità ai migranti e all’Italia che non accetta il razzismo sulla base di queste parole d’ordine׃
• No al razzismo• Regolarizzazione generalizzata per tutti• Abrogazione del pacchetto sicurezza• Accoglienza e diritti per tutti• No ai respingimenti e agli accordi bilaterali che li prevedono• Rottura netta del legame tra il permesso di soggiorno e il contratto di lavoro• Diritto di asilo per rifugiati e profughi• Chiusura definitiva dei Centri di Identificazione and Expulsion (CIE) • No conflict between the Italians and foreigners in access rights • right to work, health, housing and education for all and all • Maintenance of a residence permit for those who have lost their jobs • Against all forms of discrimination against gay, lesbian, transgender. • Next to all workers and workers in the struggle to defend their jobs
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