20 years later, racism has not been defeated, continues to cause fatalities and is powered by the policies of the Berlusconi government. The security package approved by the majority center-right meets a persecutory intent, introducing the crime of "illegal immigration" and a set of rules that worsen the living conditions of migrants, nor contrary to human dignity and fundamental rights.
This dramatic situation is dangerously encouraging and legitimizing the fear in society and violence against any diversità.Intanto in the Sicilian Channel, which is now a real marine cemetery, continue to die hundreds of human beings who are trying to reach the our shores.
It 's time to react and build together a great response of struggle and solidarity to defend the rights of all people rejecting all forms of discrimination and to stop the spread of racism. Therefore we appeal to
tutte le associazioni laiche e religiose, alle organizzazioni sindacali, sociali e politiche, a tutti i movimenti a ogni persona a scendere in piazza il 17 ottobre per dare vita ad una grande manifestazione popolare in grado di dare voce e visibilità ai migranti e all’Italia che non accetta il razzismo sulla base di queste parole d’ordine׃
• No al razzismo• Regolarizzazione generalizzata per tutti• Abrogazione del pacchetto sicurezza• Accoglienza e diritti per tutti• No ai respingimenti e agli accordi bilaterali che li prevedono• Rottura netta del legame tra il permesso di soggiorno e il contratto di lavoro• Diritto di asilo per rifugiati e profughi• Chiusura definitiva dei Centri di Identificazione and Expulsion (CIE) • No conflict between the Italians and foreigners in access rights • right to work, health, housing and education for all and all • Maintenance of a residence permit for those who have lost their jobs • Against all forms of discrimination against gay, lesbian, transgender. • Next to all workers and workers in the struggle to defend their jobs
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