Friday, March 11, 2011

Sip Sony Ericsson W595

Soup / Sopa de verduras

If I were a recipe ... what would I be? After reading the post by Juls I thought for a while ', I must admit that I have never done this type of question. So for me this contest was great fun. Thank Juls!

If I were a recipe for the soup ... I would, but what my grandmother did with vegetables from her garden. I remember waking up in the morning when I came into the kitchen and saw my grandmother that I was preparing breakfast and the pot with the vegetables was already on fire, she had no stove, he called the "economy" that goes to wood, then doveva mettere tutto a cuocere verso le otto, per mangiare per mezzogiorno e mezzo.

Una volta cotto il minestrone era cosi denso…cosi profumato…cosi… della nonna!

Allora per non farla cosi lunga: se io fossi una ricetta sarei il minestrone un piatto tradizionale ma non per questo noioso, che almeno per me sa di famiglia, di casalingo, per il quale devi avere pazienza per le ore di cottura ma che alla fine ti ricompensa con un sapore unico, che a me con solo chiudere gli occhi mi riporta alle origini, alla casetta di mia nonna, al lavoro nel orto, a tanti moments that now live only in my mind ... I miss you so much grandma ...

Well, at the end of this contest made me cry, but I have to stop for that risk to make a short circuit in the keyboard

My grandmother made the soup with more vegetables than me, but I have also adapted the recipe to the tastes of my family for my soup and then you will need:


2 potatoes 2 carrots

300g of beans

1 celery

1 zucchini

1 clove garlic

1 / 2 onion

2 tomatoes



1 ½ stock cube classic

1 teaspoon chopped parsley

1 noce di burro

Lavare accuratamente le verdure e tagliare a dadini piccoli le carote, e a dadi piu grandi le verdure piu tenere.

Tritate la cipolla e rosolatela con un po di burro dentro una pentola capiente insieme al aglio, ritirare l’aglio e aggiungere il prezzemolo

Versare dentro la pentola le verdure, il dado e circa un litro d’acqua.

Cuocete a fuoco dolce per circa un ora e mezza.

With esta receta de Juls is participating in the contest "if you were a recipe , the sponsor for this contest is machines food"

kisses kisses and good we!

sopa de verduras de la Abuela

If I were a recipe ... would it be? After reading the post of Juls I kept thinking for a while, because honestly I never got this kind of question, if a perfume would it be? Or a sound or a flower or a frutta or a recipe ... so for me this contest was very funny.

If I were a serious recipe ... vegetable soup, but only that to my grandmother Dominga with vegetables gathered from his farm. I remember the morning when I woke up at home saw my grandmother preparing breakfast and the pot with the vegetables already on fire, my grandfather ponia la sopa a cocinar a las 8 de la manana para que la comida estuviera pronta para las 12.30, por que no usaba la cocina a gas, fue una guerra para que la comprara y la usara!!! Usaba la cocina llamada “economica” que andaban a lena (discuplen no tengo la letra enie en mi pc)

Cuando la sopa estaba cocida era tan densa…tan perfumada…tan…de la abuela!

Pero bueno, resumiendo, seria una sopa de verduras, simple, tradicional pero que no aburre, que (para mi) tiene el sabor de familia, de casero,que me hace viajar en el tiempo a mis origenes, a mi infancia en Argentina, a the house of my grandmother, to work in the fifth ... so many moments that will not return. I miss you grandma! But writing in Italian cry when you start the post so now I feel like I'm jumping back tears so I prefer to spend my soup recipe vegetable:

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, approximately 300 g fresh bean, celery, zucchini, 1 clove garlic, half an onion, 2 tomatoes, 150 g paroxysm of beans, peas, 1 die and a half classic for soup, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, 1 piece of butter.

ltoda Wash vegetables, cut into small pieces and carrot pieces a little bigger the rest of the vegetables are more tender.

capiente Fry in a pot with chopped onion and garlic butter, remove garlic and add the parsley.

Dump the vegetables into the pot, the die and about a liter of water, simmer soup sweet for an hour and a half or so.

Con esta receta participo al contest de Juls “ se tu fossi una ricetta” , lo sposor per questo contest รจ Le macchine alimentari”


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