Thursday, December 17, 2009

Basketball Warm Up Songs

On 19 December the event no appeal of the Communist Party Bridge

Saturday, December 19, at Villa San Giovanni, the national demonstration to stop the construction of Messina Bridge

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Play Cubefield Unblocked


The Communist Workers' Party, now that Berlusconi and "his government hurt the opposition and announced special laws," believes "necessary and urgent response. On site CLP reads: "The entire Italian left should take, together, to mobilize its own initiative, freeing herself from subjection to the PD or IDV. We propose to all the sinister, political and trade union, an urgent meeting to discuss on how to deal with the emergency. "

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Building A Swing Bike

NO B-Day

Friday, December 4, 2009

Athlete's Foot Powder Treatment Scabies

Bella discovery

Dopo un tempo lunghissimo, torno a scrivere sul blog per segnalare a chi, come me, non si fida molto del browser di Big G, ma ha la curiosità di testarlo, ho trovato una versione di Chrome, rivista e corretta. Infatti Chrome è un progetto open-source e la società tedesca SEWare was using on the code to clone the Google browser, to create Iron, IASC preserving its innovative features, but making it free from those functions which affect the user's privacy.

In particular, it is sent to the parent navigational data, any crash, do not install anything in the background . For those who want to try it to know that is in beta and is available for Windows users, Linux links: XP and Vista, Linux and Mac users follow this link

Installation on Linux is trivial: just unzip the archive to the directory created, launch the application from the shell:. / iron (tested on Ubuntu 9.10 and Fedora 12)

clearly remains available all the good plugins and themes for Chrome

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Congratulation New Baby Sample Phrase

The Federation of the Left, not a sum but a multiplication

Appeal (from the site of the Communist Refoundation):

It 's the time to open new roads to the left and take the road much of the unit, leaving immediately that for twenty years was full of cracks, splits, diasporas, retreats. The project for the Federation of the Left does not rely on any "nuovismo," but first wants to renew itself in political practice. It is based on participation and on the principle "one person, one vote ', aims to find the correspondence between word and action. Communist Refoundation - along with other forces and parties - promotes an ambitious project, yes, but possible, even necessary: \u200b\u200ba federation between different parties and social actors to build an alternative political pole to the society, a political pole capable of fight from the beginning to present a more just, to achieve a better future.
This project, to live, wants to develop beyond the promoters and through the life-giving participation of social actors who are paying harshly than ever before the cost of the crisis, because it is the male and female workers, generations of precarious workers - from the "time determined 'within the strength of the parties Iva individual - not to have a credible political representation, a reference, because it broke the link between social and political.
Therefore we appeal to the employees, associations, political parties, networks, groups and collectives, to all those who cherish democracy and the defense of the Constitution, to all those who believe that water, air, environment are common goods can not be reduced to a commodity, to all those who think "that it can not go forward." We invite you to become involved in this project, to create a public space competing with us, the social and political reconstruction, making the participation of each one of you the "block" necessary for the construction of the project. Policy initiative, in short, capable of 'pooling' knowledge and experience, the real antidote to the fragmentation and disintegration. In this way the change becomes not only an aspiration, but a vital necessity.
On December 5, "is part" for the Federation of the Left. A process that invererà in the area, meeting with so many individuals and collectives. With this ambition we are calling for participation from the first National Assembly, but even in these initiatives. On 5 December can be a very important date, one of those to mark the calendar: the 10th is part of the Federation of the Left, the 14 party, convened by the movement, "No Berlusconi day." It can be the first day of a better future!

ROME, Dec. 5, 2009 - 9:30 PM - Teatro Brancaccio - via Merulana 244

Monday, November 30, 2009

Little Silver Edible Balls

December 5: NO B-DAY

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gastritis With Erythema

PRC: protest against water privatization

Comunicato Stampa di Rifondazione Comunista:
Ferrero: "Saremo in piazza contro la privatizzazione dell'acqua"

Dichiarazione di Paolo Ferrero, segretario nazionale del Prc-Se.

"Il governo Berlusconi, sordo come era facile prevedere alle migliaia di proteste dei cittadini e della società civile arrivate in queste settimane contro il ddl Ronchi, che di fatto privatizza le acque pubbliche italiane, ha posto la questione di fiducia al Senato, blindando il decreto. Come Rifondazione comunista abbiamo aderito con convinzione all'appello lanciato dal Forum italliano dei movimenti per l'acqua che ha chiesto al Parlamento italiano di ritirare il decreto legge 135, decreto con il quale si privatizza water in Italy.

The defense of water as a common good has been one of the battles that characterize the history of the communist PRC. The choice of the Senate to privatize the water in addition to being wrong and dangerous, as this will become an essential commodity, common to all citizens of a privilege and profit for the few, is also in contrast to the choices that other countries that had previously opted for the path of water privatization, which are now back on its feet and who are ripubblicizzando water services.

Rifondazione has been and will be present in all the mobilizations in defense of public water and will require all its elected representatives in local authorities to engage a sostenere la difesa dell'acqua come bene comune e bene pubblico. Il Prc, infine, s'impegna a far diventare il tema dell'acqua pubblica uno dei temi forti della manifestazione del prossimo 5 dicembre, il No Berlusconi Day".

Per approfondimenti:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jeff Hardy Wrestling Doctor Game

paramilitary groups against the workers

Da " Il Manifesto " dell'11 novembre 2009

Prove tecniche di fascismo. Non tanto ideologico quanto padronale. Ma anche gli squadristi non sono più quelli di una volta, e quindi un padrone – in questo caso Samuele Landi, ex amministratore delegato di Eutelia – è costretto ad affittarli da una delle tante agenzie private managing the 'safety'.
Yesterday morning at 5 and a quarter, a dozen bodyguards in order 'heads of leather (black uniforms, ski masks, crowbars and maxitorce bi-manual in hand) have penetrated inside the Roman settlement on the Via Tiburtina . Inside slept twenty workers who patrol for days - here as in all Italy - the premises of the group. In a military raid planned >>> read more

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How Much Should I Charge To Make A Cake

"Clouds": twenty

These days the world celebrates the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The magazine has decided to deal with clouds, not so much to celebrate As for open questions. Determine whether the developments of the last twenty years have resulted in more positive or negative effects is not easy.

Eastern Europe has abandoned socialism and the great opportunity that this event offered to build a better world has not been caught.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Internal Affairs Mediafire

years after The Manifesto: A left, a non-party

From the website of Il Manifesto, an article by Paolo Cacciari

Just launched an anonymous message on the network to trigger a general mobilization antiberlusconismo. On October 3, Rome has been invaded by a "new political subject" (migrants) self. Small initiatives, such as those launched by the weekly paper for a "clandestine day," bounce hundreds of squares. Major initiatives, such as the primaries of the Democratic Party, won her millions of people over the same members of that party. Not to mention that the resistance of the metal workers in the factories is far from residual. I might add conferences around Italy's (relatively) new personalities from the worlds of culture and journalism that become attractions of mass (I think of Labor, or Latouche, or Francucci Gesualdi). I think the mobilization that is growing in view of Coopenaghen.
I think, in short, just below the crust with the official representation of society, there is a fervor research ways of being together that emerge from social relations that requires the market. Who, looking at opinion polls, says that now he would complete an anthropological mutation such that there would be no help for it (capitalism would be able to shape the individual to the unique dimension of producers / consumers, to the point that led them to a consensual slavery), is a logical error log: the benchmark can not be elections. These are in fact a rigged game, a mirror that distorts reality, not the sacred representation of popular will, as we were taught the liberal ideal models. The election in this political-economic system, have changed sign: an index of realization of democracy (if it ever were for real) have become the most heavy and coarse manipulation system of "public opinion". It's not just jumped proportionality, or the astronomical cost of a vote (and an elected representative) on the market policy, dominated by the tools of mass communication and the inevitable, thus leading a show of power. In reality all these are coarse and childish tricks to artificially prolong the life of a political and institutional system whose mission is to form a sovereign will of the people, but to support and transmit orders from the lobby, elite cosmocrats che rappresentano una casta che consiste nell’1% del 20% della popolazione globale ma detiene la totalità della ricchezza globale privata accumulata.
La gente lo sa e ne prende atto: dalle elezioni è inutile pensare che possa uscire di più di quel che possono dare nell’immediato. Per cui è possibile votare indifferentemente e contemporaneamente per il meno peggio, astenersi, testimoniare un’alterità, premiare il partito che meglio tutela il mio territorio o il mio lavoro, dare fiducia al candidato più simpatico o a quello che credo di conoscere meglio… Ciò non significa che le ragioni del conflitto sociale (sale della democrazia) siano espunte. Né che siano andati perduti le volontà di cambiamento and desires for social justice, inclusiveness and participation.
If we want to rebuild a political entity that has equity and environmental sustainability (as written on the manifest Alberto Asor) and that its tenets should also pass back through the institutions, "lay", then it will be first of all "non-electoral ', or rather not exclusively or predominantly election. That is, not a quasi-public system, but a "non-party 'in the sense (see Flores d'Arcais, always on the poster on Wednesday) that can not live by himself in the closed system of self-party politics. Decisive, then, are the forms of politics that are practiced, le modalità d’essere che predeterminano gli stessi risultati.
Tempo fa Paul Ginsburg (il manifesto del 3 luglio) diceva che c’erano due possibilità per la ricostruzione di una sinistra politica: una richiede «un lungo lavoro territoriale, scrivere decaloghi di interventi programmatici e di comportamento individuale. Bisogna capire che un nuovo soggetto politico, radicalmente diverso dal passato, ha necessità di tempo per crescere e radicarsi prima di dare frutti (…) accompagnare il lavoro sociale con una costante attenzione all’elaborazione teorica». L’altra scelta è «diametralmente opposta e si basa sull’ammissione che l’attuale sinistra italiana è semplicemente incapace to invent something new. "
groups and associations scattered throughout the country, social sites and workshops of the ideas born in the practices of conflict and the bearers of forms of participatory democracy, are working for a long time to get groped in the report, weave the experiences, coordinate their political agendas, experiment with forms of listening and mutual aid. I think of the many experiences of networks and connections, joint campaigns and mutual aid, local networks and labor disputes. You can start from here? "On the part of those without," as recalled by Pezzella, that the interests of the 'unrepresentable' in the theater of institutionalized politics. From below, from below and 'left', to the left if we want a strong affection for a framework of ethical values \u200b\u200band social sensibilities. Finding reasons to be together without any discipline that is not the method of consent. Without wishing to produce identity foreclosure. Without wishing to impose any pre-determined hierarchy of subjectivities, cultures, policies, ideals and theories that move individuals and movements.
in Florence on 21 and 22 November, will now find a number of associations, clubs, groups that engaged in initiatives in their small unit of resistance of civil solidarity, self-management and who want to know. For the moment came @ a network left. To them the task of exploring a new path, and also mainly in ways and forms of politics.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mandingo Swimming Pool

Appeals and Di Pietro Ferrero for joint demonstrations against government policies

The economic crisis is resulting in increasing social suffering. The increase in job insecurity, loss of jobs, wages and pensions with which they struggle to make ends meet are the views shared by the whole country. The government instead of intervening to resolve this situation worse by cutting social spending and education, with the compression of wages and pensions in the attack on the national labor contract is just the latest. In addition, the Executive shall make every effort to foment war between the poor with racist and xenophobic measures on immigration.

What's more, the government has launched measures as the tax shelter that legalize tax evasion and dishonesty, has earmarked a huge amount of money to the banks for the purchase of fighter jets and unnecessary for major works such as the Strait of Messina bridge.

The Government therefore serves to aggravate the crisis, defends the powers that be and the same time seeks to destroy Italian democracy carrying through the implementation of the plan of P2 Licio Gelli. The proposals of tampering of the Constitution are accompanied by a daily act of undermining the Constitution of the material, the attempt to gag the freedom of information, to limit the autonomy of the Judiciary, of distorting the role of trade unions and to silence workers.

To counter this operation which is both anti-democratic, fascist and socially unjust, we must build a policy response generally strong and unified. We are committed to build mass opposition to restore democracy in the country and in the workplace and requiring the government to change economic and social policy. That's why we ask Berlusconi to resign in light of his clear moral unworthiness to occupy the post of prime minister.

And we propose to all opposition forces to call for the next 5 December a joint demonstration against the policies of the government and ask for the resignation of Prime Minister.

[Antonio Di Pietro, Paolo Ferrero - announced that Tuesday, October 27, 2009]

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fruz Frozen Yogurt Machine

October 17, 2009. National Anti-racist demonstration outside parliament Parliament A

The 7 October 1989 hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets in Rome for the first major demonstration against the racism. On 24 August the same year at Villa Literno, in the province of Caserta, had been killed a South African refugee, Jerry Essan Masslo.
20 years later, racism has not been defeated, continues to cause fatalities and is powered by the policies of the Berlusconi government. The security package approved by the majority center-right meets a persecutory intent, introducing the crime of "illegal immigration" and a set of rules that worsen the living conditions of migrants, nor contrary to human dignity and fundamental rights.
This dramatic situation is dangerously encouraging and legitimizing the fear in society and violence against any diversità.Intanto in the Sicilian Channel, which is now a real marine cemetery, continue to die hundreds of human beings who are trying to reach the our shores.
It 's time to react and build together a great response of struggle and solidarity to defend the rights of all people rejecting all forms of discrimination and to stop the spread of racism. Therefore we appeal to
tutte le associazioni laiche e religiose, alle organizzazioni sindacali, sociali e politiche, a tutti i movimenti a ogni persona a scendere in piazza il 17 ottobre per dare vita ad una grande manifestazione popolare in grado di dare voce e visibilità ai migranti e all’Italia che non accetta il razzismo sulla base di queste parole d’ordine׃
• No al razzismo• Regolarizzazione generalizzata per tutti• Abrogazione del pacchetto sicurezza• Accoglienza e diritti per tutti• No ai respingimenti e agli accordi bilaterali che li prevedono• Rottura netta del legame tra il permesso di soggiorno e il contratto di lavoro• Diritto di asilo per rifugiati e profughi• Chiusura definitiva dei Centri di Identificazione and Expulsion (CIE) • No conflict between the Italians and foreigners in access rights • right to work, health, housing and education for all and all • Maintenance of a residence permit for those who have lost their jobs • Against all forms of discrimination against gay, lesbian, transgender. • Next to all workers and workers in the struggle to defend their jobs

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kates Playground Ready To Sleep

The proposed Marco Ferrando (Communist Party of Workers ) From the phone book
Rosso di Sera "Il Manifesto" on line

The question of left unity that is expressed in millions of workers deserve respect for profondo.Proprio this can not be "used" by the ruling groups of the left as a lever for its own autoassoluzione.Dopo fifteen years a closed loop: the heritage of names, which had gathered in the 90 around the PRC, was first struck by the governments of the center-left and then deprived of any institutional representation at national and European level. The "unity of the Left 'is not no when Giordano, Diliberto, Salvi, Ferrero voted together as one man war missions, gifts to banks, job insecurity. It is not when the same elites had to contend, against each other, the control of respective parties and their institutional survival. It is not no unity when it came to hitting its social base has been lacking when it came to defend their roles. I ask, can now apply for the next rebuild those elites who have destroyed? All the old or new formulas which are now advanced in the name of 'unity' ('federations', 'constituents', etc..) Have a unique common point: the stay at the controls of all those responsible for the defeat. What's more, each formula seems tailored around the role of survival of those who are calling for. In a war of all against all. Without their bilanciodelle responsibility and without any prospect of turning. The CLP is not interested in these geniuses bureaucratic: because there will be no way out of the historical crisis of the left without a radical shift of positions, programs, management teams, without a radical break with the government, national and local level, without recovery a revolutionary program that takes as the only constraint of the general interest of workers, and not that of self-preservation of their class. That is why our party assumes the change in direction of the Italian left's own perspective as a freestanding building. Does this mean that we do not care 'unity'? On the contrary. Are we to challenge the unity of tuttele fight the political left and trade unions. Why not work together with a proposal for unification and radicalization of social struggle, from companies in crisis? Why not fight together in a campaign for the nationalization under workers' control, banks and companies that lay off? Why not work together to promote the area, from North, unitary structures of supervision and working people against the rampant crime and xenophobia rondismo capital daily? We have made these and other proposed unit well before the last election campaign, with repeated calls. But in vain. Maybe that unity of action in the class struggle is less important than its risiko organization? also echoed our proposal of a 'Parliament of workers and left. " If all the left are squeezed out of every parliament, because they do not constitute a public forum for free discussion and unity of action? A 'Parliament of the Left, "as we understand it, would safeguard the autonomy of each component, is based on a free elective representation, strictly proportional representation of various parties of the left, and the active involvement of their people, encourage the promotion of a united front in the movement for real and this should be open to the participation of all representatives of movimento.Questa proposal has a very characteristic simple: it does not protect any advantageous position. The others are left available to get involved in a true comparison, respecting the democracy of their own people?
Other contributions on the prospects of the Italian left on

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hunting Birthday Birthday Cakes

Things done halfway

After years of disbelief, behold, as if by magic, appear on the site of the Inland Revenue, the software that allows you to process the model single natural version of Linux as well (hear hear) to software verifies the sector studies, always version of our beloved penguin.

finally (albeit in that case of with Java programs running and therefore the effort of programmers to produce software platform is on) and down without having to download and install the virtual machine with WinXP. After installation (and fortunately no processing) I tried the control modules of the statements (a software issue with attached modules) that allow you to authenticate what you prepared before you send data transmissions. Well .... software modules and outbuildings have been published only for Win and MacOS and Linux users? no!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

1000 Places To Eat Before You Die

desktop PC at the time of crisis

In times like these should be saved. At this thought the Abacocomputers in presenting a line of desktop computers Abaco First to € 99 by allowing anyone to access the full opportunity to own a PC, multimedia, linux-based

Here features

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Plugins Nero 8 Vision

Convert PDF to Word online service

Occasionally arises to change a file. pdf (Handycapped course if you have permissions) to a file. doc to edit it easily, I report this efficient service online free

It requires no registration or download any demo, but an email will send you the converted file

Council Obviously, as the default editor, the OpenOffice suite , reached the third major release

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cubefield Huge Screen

Have rendering of fonts on Fedora 10 as Ubuntu

Having found that Fedora 10 "Cambridge" is a great distro and aware of the fact that it is a ' personal opinion, I noticed that at the end of 3 or 4 installations that made the rendering of fonts is not on par with Ubuntu. Ravana on the Internet I found a guide ** created specially for Fedora 9, but that can be perfectly re-adjust to 10.

That said, the collegadoci downloaded packages:
cairo, freetype, fontconfig, llibXft, pixmania

Be sure to download them all in the same folder and install them via
# rpm-Uvh *. rpm

How enchanting rendering of fonts will be very similar to what you get for Ubuntu

* Source for the version of Fedora 9 " The neuron Moro
** Fixed the link after notifying the author