Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mountains Biffy Clyro Piano Sheet Music

Gallery: Italprest - Prestiti e finanziamenti

Since this blog is connected to a double thread to a Web Agency (for those not know, this is Web Design Genova), it seems worthwhile to pass, when it is an opportunity, from theory to practice, signaling in these columns some of the most interesting work on which, as a designer or seo , we put the signature.
inaugurate this sub-section of the blog present the site of Italprest , an agency of central Italy that deals with grants and loans to medium-scale loans and the purchase of the house: the site we have tried to reconcile aesthetic and seo, trying not to give too much one or the other perspectives and was created in partnership with Mr. Googlerank, alias Stuart Delta. The launch of
official website can be made to coincide with today's date, although in reality it is likely that the site will be in beta (although fully functional) for a few days.
As always comments are very welcome ...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Track And Field Sayings

Rocky 6 ( seri problemi ad invecchiare serenamente)

scoop wheel to mark the movie event of the year: finally, after the world has remained open terrified of never seeing a sequel to the wonderful Rocky 5 Rocky 6 leaves, star Stallone , handsome boxer played 60 years.
Yes, guys, I know that you are not longer in the skin but for now you have to wait: I hope not to give a blow too hard, because you know che questo gioiello è ancora in fase di pre-pre-release. Comunque non vi preoccupate, si mormora che abbiano finalmente deciso di dare un seguito a ufficiale gentiluomo, però siccome Richard Gere è troppo giovane, i panni del giovane cadetto li vestirà suo nonno: lucidate le dentiere ragazzi, si va ad hollywood !

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Cutest Nail Designs

La famiglia trasloca

Oggi vogliamo segnalarvi un piccolo evento che ha avuto luogo negli ultimi giorni e che chi segue con attenzione il mondo del seo e dei motori di ricerca avrà probabilmente notato: il forum GT, una delle più importanti comunità italiane dedicate al seo ed al web design ha traslocato. Oddio, un trasloco in senso lato, perchè the url is still the same, wanting to be picky it's more of a migration from one forum to another, in particular from (free) phpBB to (professional) vBulletin. A choice made
probably necessary amount of daily messages from a truly impressive, which continues unabated, but rather rises from day to day, making the use of a more professional structure which seem necessary.
The transaction from one forum to another was almost painless: partly because the alarm turned on the columns of the forum for a while, partly because the average user of the expert community is on average there were little or complaints ( some protest joking here and there, nothing more), despite the air you breathe at the moment is anarchic: The moderators are currently down to the rank of ordinary mortals, the searcher gt have been halved, the photos were sold by George Mebra on ebay for a fetishist Pakistan , charges are exchanged and confused, so enjoy! If you have always dreamed of insulting the moderators do now that they have a "super powers", remember the lesson of the old Lex was around when the kritponite!
But before you go and pledge paid compliments to the admin of the forum: Transfer a forum of this size is not a trivial matter, and George, Emme and others have done a magnificent job by resume, after a few hours offline, a forum completely renewed and refreshed that we are sure, in his new capacity will be able to widen the circle of the great family GT! Goog luck!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Apartment Application Template

Png trasparenti anche su Internet Explorer

Among the most important news that has brought us (we will) Internet Explorer 7 is possible, finally, to use transparent png on their sites, probably there ' is needed to explain the significance of this event from a graphical point of view and operational. The infamous
. transparent gif is now heritage of web design medieval late '90s, an era of graphics and layout approximate roughness, Wallpaper-blue and electric palette for color-blind, making the pair with the (tragically) notes animated gifs, parody bitterly even in an episode of the Simpsons where Homer met with Lisa showed her wonderful home page, in a blaze of men leaping and signs flashing.
Oh God, not that. Transparent gif has been or should necessarily be abandoned, but I think all are clear limits scary graphs that pull up their ugly head every time you try to set up a transparent background image even slightly complex. The
. transparent png's instead of real Transparency magnificent and flawless, making it possible to overcome (and sometimes even ask), problems graphics and puzzles that have plagued the poor web designer for years: the first, and do not surprise anyone,. png transparent was only supported by Mozilla, and IE6 there was a nice background of the png Patacconi unwatchable.
Now you can do two things: wait patiently for the advent of definitive IE7 and the demise of IE6, or start to become familiar with this "new" graphics format, using a small trick that allows operate in some way transparency. A trick uncomfortable, I admit, to be used only in extreme cases: for example, if you have a gif of the same background for all pages, but want to change the header graphic, using in fact, transparent png.
The hope is that soon these mezzucci are only bad memories, stuff to tell the grandchildren before the fire, while with a sidelong peek replication Matrix 9 and ordered a beer at the bar with your handheld-chair:)


Saturday, July 15, 2006

Weird Sayings And Phrases

Tools gratis per Seo

To celebrate the start of the weekend will offer three free tool to relieve your stressful life seo : obviously, all three will help in the study of snakes and, used together, allow evitaremolti passaggi di routine che possono rendere questa fase sfiancante. Se quindi eravate già convinti di dover passare il Sabato sera a spulciare motori, potreste avere l'occasione di salvarvi in corner ...
Il primo tool, di cui in realtà si è parlato parecchio un pò ovunque, è l'ottima estensione Seo for Firefox , in teoria ancora in beta ma apparentemente perfettamente e ottimamente funzionante: cosa fa ? Semplicemente, in tempo reale, per le ricerche su Google e Yahoo, vi permetterà di vedere , per ogni sito in serp, valori e dati che normalmente richiedono parecchio tempo per essere recuperati : PR, Età ( waybackmachine) , Back link su yahoo, presenza o meno in Dmoz, and Technorati, Alexa ranking, cached pages, Whois ... The convenience of having all the basic information at a click confess, is immense and, as we said, it avoids a number of additional steps routine ....
Another interesting tool is Bazhoo , tools, given url and keyword, lets you know where and if the url in question is one of the first 400, allowing you to choose the nationality of the engine and the engine itself: less than full Seologs known, however, that stage is semi-bound, has the advantage of extending the search to first 400 and, above all, its high speed of search ... The newest tool is
Quintura , software that allows you to search and find, thanks to an excellent presentation graphics, semantic connections and interrelationships that exist between the various search terms, with a principle that many might suggest to the most famous Kartoo ...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Labrador Retreiver Boxer Mix

... e arrivò l'update del PR

If tonight at 11 at night you began to hear cries of despair, repressed murmurs and exclamations of joy and wondered if they start over, surprisingly, the World, know that it is not so . Very simply Google tonight, like a bolt from the blue, he updated Page Rank, or better, the bar we all know that in reality the page rank is updated continuously and that what we see in the Google bar is only a kind of thermometer, which changes only when DD decides to take the temperature: comprehensible, you would go around all year a thermometer under the armpit?
fact is that, thermometer or thermometer, the ' update the page rank bar is neither an event that may go unnoticed: the earthquake hardly leaves free all sites and it does not happen often, unfortunately, to see the their pages down to PR0 for no reason of being or at least escape the long sweaty PR5. I formed the idea, certainly mystifying and unfounded, that to update more generous and benign if they alternate other harmful if not apocalyptic certainly an idea not supported by any evidence, not statistical, but that has its suggestiveness, especially when reconnected to my own experience and many "colleagues."
Should we believe this update would come to this crude theory of law in the series of updates evil: pr decimated, wiped out pages, which shrank Barrettini sadly on themselves, and new sites that do not take off ...
Then think back to your profession, it is connected with the new technology, mathematics, statistics, you skim the formula of the page rank, wheeled out charts and tables, and blushed a professional like you avvalla queste teorie : riapri i tuoi tool e ricominci a lavorare, in modo serio, ponderato: analisi dei BL , studio della concorrenza , valutazione del settore competitivo , già aspettando la prossima update del PR ... con un bel cornetto appeso al monitor del computer .

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Does Gaviscon Cause Autism

Un wallpaper per festeggiare il mondiale 2006 ... The rule of three drafts

Oggi cediamo un pò al patriottismo per segnalare i primi wallpaper che stanno girando su internet per festeggiare degnamente la vittoria dell'Italia al mondiale 2006 : un modo in più per ricordarsi ogni mattina di una vittoria storica e per tirarsi un pò su, quando si accende il computer ancora acciaccati da una notte insonne. My
I found on SenzaInter , and there are three more straightforward enough not to bother (other than those that make the wallpaper folder on the desktop virtually invisible), enough to make me tick epic of a tear emotion every time I see it.
My favorite is the one with Grosso with runs after goal against Germany, the most enthralling scene around the world: to see his expression after the goal, to rethink the roar that accompanied him in an unexpected way in which arrived, I have largely compensated for all the bad vibrations of the notorious global US-Japan and Korea quell'epcoa where they played darts with the sagoma del lepego arbitro Moreno ...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

How Much Does A Brazilian Wax Cost In Pounds

Uno dei tratti più caratteristici del giovane inesperto, in qualsiasi campo e professione, è la tendenza a cercare di compensare le lacune dovute all'inesperienza e all'immaturità, con l'entusiasmo e la buona volontà: una regola che vale anche per il giovane web designer , acerbo ma zelante che fa di tutto per farsi ben volere dal cliente che gli dà fiducia e gli consente di mettersi alla prova. Uno zelo che si manifesta in ogni aspetto, in ogni dettaglio del comportamento del giovane novizio, ma che trova la sua sublimazione nella fase di stesura delle bozze .
Non è raro che junior web designer will present his client (or his head) with a specific folder on the weight of a block of granite, whose mysterious and heavy content will be revealed soon a vast collection of drafts and proofs .
The basic idea is linked straight to the laws of probability, consisting simply assuming that such a large number of drafts, statistically, will coincide with a center on the first try and with the full and unreserved admiration of the customer. Beyond that is a bit like if one went to shoot at the shooting range with an Uzi side there are thousands of situations, unforeseen and deleterious that this choice could lead inoculated ( and per la nota legge di Murphy sicuramente le innescherà ).
Innanziutto quasi sicuramente il cliente sceglierà la bozza più orripilante , quella che avete messo lì nel mucchio per fare numero, quella che ogni volta che la vedete vi provoca problemi alla vista e vi rende momentaneamente daltonici : non è uno scherzo, fior fiore di designer, non solo dal web, lo ripetono fino alla nausea, in ogni intervista , è una legge fisica inconfutabile .
Non solo: dopo aver scelto la bozza più brutta, costringendovi a lavorare per giorni con un antidepressivo ed un antiemetico a portata di mano il cliente farà di più: comincerà ad affiancarvi choices in graphics, it will become closer, and then knock you off the road at the first bend, taking the ruolod the art director and reserving the right to change my mind every three to two.
The advice is to adhere to the rule of three drafts : Make it up to three, not necessarily very different, but receiverships to the smallest detail, minimizing the chances that the customer is not satisfied you can make just one, but it must be unassailable in every respect, show that you spent the time to make any graphic optimal and functional context.
will avoid a herniated disc and enrich your pharmacist antidepressants with compulsive buying: Forewarned ...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Airsoft Guns Sent To Your House For Free

The seven deadly sins of web designer

The excellent British magazine Practical Web Design published this month in a special issue dedicated to an ideal ranking of gravest sins committed by web designer (and SEO). Reading the list is unanimous nods, before realizing that many of these errors, like it or not, we have committed more ...
The most serious are:
- abuse seo, overoptimization pages, spam sites, doorway, and the like among the most striking examples is that, noted, the site of the BMW macchiatosi use of a rather casual of techniques cloaking , SGAM and temporarily banned from Google. The invitation is, more generally, what not to abuse of the optimization techniques and try to remember that, ultimately, will not be (only) the engines to visit our site, but people of flesh and bones that could not accept full pages filled spam.
- the splash page: custom for good fortune in decline, as a scourge that has marked the advent of large-scale flash: when, however, programs such as Swish have made the creation of rotating as easy as preparing a written cappuccino the custom has largely lost its charm and even flash designers are back in the ranks, but the page with preload preload preload it still happens from time to time, stirring bad memories of a not too distant past ...
- sites optimized for a single browser : this is a problem down, it happens, however, not so unusual to see wonderful sites that, once re-opened in the browser suddenly become wrong unpublished paintings of Picasso: Once again, thank you all in the choir box model ...

Other sins, some more venial one another in rapid succession: the sites where style prevails over substance, faq irrelevant, the use of. Pdf instead of html ...
last place we find the ads intrusive , those covering half a page and keep you from reading an article until you have hired a bloody melee in the same (especially when the writing is semi close camouflaged in the background) and here I beg to differ, because, even if money is money, I find this the worst sin of all: a bit like if, while trying to watch a movie at the cinema bosses will force you to put up half an hour trailer. Ah, right, already happens ...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Toothache Hurts Worse When Lying Down

Materazzi's goal, the head of Zidane and the World Cup ...

hands on the world cup coming home after 24 years, the rematch (finally!) With the blues of Henry and Zidane, they always, always on the cutting edge. Now the frost, with the strictness there, all hanging from Buffon's gloves, as always, to exult deceived by the magician Zizou spoon: then a cold shower. Guilt? A defensive hole and a foul by Materazzi.
But this time Marco Materazzi ampiamenente forgive you, closing the circle with another headed goal, another detachment in elevation from the record high jump: a goal that closes the circle and complete the rehabilitation of a player that we all submerged criticism (to put it mildly) during the last world and that this time has proved its value in the difficult task of managing not to regret too Nesta.
The goal of the "la", the team is running at full pace in the wake of that network and nearly doubles the cross for Toni, unlucky in this world. Then, below, to resist the revival of the French. According to additional time and are an ordeal.
Then the shock ...
Materazzi (him again!) On the ground, a moment of confusion, and finally, to clarify, a replay (which FIFA, guilty, avoids the big screen to show the stadium): Zidane, cold, download a newspaper Materazzi's sternum. Zizou is not new to these things, strange to me that we are all accustomed to associate with the class and to fair play, but sometimes and in exceptional condition, like a volcano explodes. Who misses the penalty shot of virtual death sentences, because we all know that the world can seriously give the head (see De Rossi, the Argentines, even Figo ...). But it is wrong all those who put their heads in the sand and come to blame Materazzi, trying to read lips and accusing them of pantomime (after a head that, frankly, in the face could have taken damage). You must be joking, guys, please: It is a pleasure to see that despite the balls (very high) FIFA and the French have deliberately ignored the incident, many newspapers and French fans have had the honesty to criticize their idol.
That we, quite rightly, when he shot De Rossi elbowed away that we put in a corner kick, we let him stew in his broth, and with good reason: agreement, De Rossi is not a great champion like Zidane, but this does not mean that an elbow or a head dates deserve criticism and self-criticism that way, anyone to launch.
But then, why continue to mull over? Let them argue, let him read lips, as if it were a novelty that a defender has recourse to insults to try the patience of the attackers and deconcentration. Let the buzz behind and enjoy the cup, 24 years, I'm not nuts ...

Sunday, July 9, 2006

Save Voicemail To Computer

site in Flash or HTML?

What is the biggest dilemma that divides seo and web designer? Probably if you do not have the same time designers and seo doubts about the answer, as you found you a thousand times in front of the eternal dilemma. We all know that search engines like to have something to index, if possible, page after page, but closely and necessarily html: although they have also started a long time to index flash files there is no comparison. The reading of the flash can be a starter, at best a dessert, but the main course will always be the old, classic HTML page, possibly full text semantically and grammatically corretto.Provare to force the mechanism is difficult, take for example 'experiment done by our mother-site Web Design Genova ... Site
young compared to average for the key sites in SERP Web Design Genova, mostly dating back to 4.5, 6 years ago, has gained in the field, in a few months, a series of lunag backlink important, more or less related to the aspects of the location and web design, climbing slowly the slope: it is now the second most important keys to how web design london, london sites placement, placement london. So what? What's wrong?
Simply, the keys for which you rest well, and minor keys are a little battered by competition and potential users, not particularly full of seo and more or less, provided in advance. Nothing wrong with that, we mean, but not enough to generate a volume sufficiently large amount of traffic.
The reason is simple: as balanced in content, aged in semantics, powerful in terms of bl, the site is (intentionally and forcibly) to Mono-and flash. Point. Too poor a structure for an engine like Google demanding, a bit like trying to make a Formula 1 race with a souped-up point: you can fix your machine when you want and drive as best you can but you will always have an insurmountable handicap.
We consider the experiment in web designg genova failed, therefore, calculating that even in the distance does not check for keys in the SERP as Genoa construction sites and the like? Not quite: we repeat, given the initial conditions of the site did well, she appeared at the top of the SERP of Google for many important keys, super sites far more noble and the elderly. But the impression is that they have reached the limit of the experiment: of course, could be groped new changes, further enhancing the internal optimization, try to select some extra keys, studying new serp ... The problem is that this would not make sense ...
The purpose of the experiment was reached, it was shown that a site with flash all you can come up with a lot of effort and a lot of effort, to pre-established keys and key for some luck, but its cost is too high and the result too thin. How to face Brazil in a game to tighten the ball in his hands a bowl of his grandfather: P
And so, after we obsessed, have debated and discussed, we can not capitulate to the fornt of overwhelming evidence of the facts: we join the chorus and confuse us in the reassuring hum of the mass adding our voice indistinct and unanimous: the board, which at this point can not be trite and trivial that is to decide right away. The positioning is irrelevant or secondary comuqnue? You can also flash around a site, put on display your skills and have fun. You have to face a tough challenge on the engines? Stay with the old html: Insert Flash in strategic areas, play around with the css, but in the many fine meal google html pages. The old engine is hungry and unfortunately for us Web designers will not be enough to feed him some sweet ...