Oggi vogliamo segnalarvi un piccolo evento che ha avuto luogo negli ultimi giorni e che chi segue con attenzione il mondo del seo e dei motori di ricerca avrà probabilmente notato: il forum GT, una delle più importanti comunità italiane dedicate al seo ed al web design ha traslocato. Oddio, un trasloco in senso lato, perchè the url is still the same, wanting to be picky it's more of a migration from one forum to another, in particular from (free) phpBB to (professional) vBulletin. A choice made
probably necessary amount of daily messages from a truly impressive, which continues unabated, but rather rises from day to day, making the use of a more professional structure which seem necessary.
The transaction from one forum to another was almost painless: partly because the alarm turned on the columns of the forum for a while, partly because the average user of the expert community is on average there were little or complaints ( some protest joking here and there, nothing more), despite the air you breathe at the moment is anarchic: The moderators are currently down to the rank of ordinary mortals, the searcher gt have been halved, the photos were sold by George Mebra on ebay for a fetishist Pakistan , charges are exchanged and confused, so enjoy! If you have always dreamed of insulting the moderators do now that they have a "super powers", remember the lesson of the old Lex was around when the kritponite!
But before you go and pledge paid compliments to the admin of the forum: Transfer a forum of this size is not a trivial matter, and George, Emme and others have done a magnificent job by resume, after a few hours offline, a forum completely renewed and refreshed that we are sure, in his new capacity will be able to widen the circle of the great family GT! Goog luck!
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