hands on the world cup coming home after 24 years, the rematch (finally!) With the blues of Henry and Zidane, they always, always on the cutting edge. Now the frost, with the strictness there, all hanging from Buffon's gloves, as always, to exult deceived by the magician Zizou spoon: then a cold shower. Guilt? A defensive hole and a foul by Materazzi.
But this time Marco Materazzi ampiamenente forgive you, closing the circle with another headed goal, another detachment in elevation from the record high jump: a goal that closes the circle and complete the rehabilitation of a player that we all submerged criticism (to put it mildly) during the last world and that this time has proved its value in the difficult task of managing not to regret too Nesta.
The goal of the "la", the team is running at full pace in the wake of that network and nearly doubles the cross for Toni, unlucky in this world. Then, below, to resist the revival of the French. According to additional time and are an ordeal.
Then the shock ...
Materazzi (him again!) On the ground, a moment of confusion, and finally, to clarify, a replay (which FIFA, guilty, avoids the big screen to show the stadium): Zidane, cold, download a newspaper Materazzi's sternum. Zizou is not new to these things, strange to me that we are all accustomed to associate with the class and to fair play, but sometimes and in exceptional condition, like a volcano explodes. Who misses the penalty shot of virtual death sentences, because we all know that the world can seriously give the head (see De Rossi, the Argentines, even Figo ...). But it is wrong all those who put their heads in the sand and come to blame Materazzi, trying to read lips and accusing them of pantomime (after a head that, frankly, in the face could have taken damage). You must be joking, guys, please: It is a pleasure to see that despite the balls (very high) FIFA and the French have deliberately ignored the incident, many newspapers and French fans have had the honesty to criticize their idol.
That we, quite rightly, when he shot De Rossi elbowed away that we put in a corner kick, we let him stew in his broth, and with good reason: agreement, De Rossi is not a great champion like Zidane, but this does not mean that an elbow or a head dates deserve criticism and self-criticism that way, anyone to launch.
But then, why continue to mull over? Let them argue, let him read lips, as if it were a novelty that a defender has recourse to insults to try the patience of the attackers and deconcentration. Let the buzz behind and enjoy the cup, 24 years, I'm not nuts ...
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