If tonight at 11 at night you began to hear cries of despair, repressed murmurs and exclamations of joy and wondered if they start over, surprisingly, the World, know that it is not so . Very simply Google tonight, like a bolt from the blue, he updated Page Rank, or better, the bar we all know that in reality the page rank is updated continuously and that what we see in the Google bar is only a kind of thermometer, which changes only when DD decides to take the temperature: comprehensible, you would go around all year a thermometer under the armpit?
fact is that, thermometer or thermometer, the ' update the page rank bar is neither an event that may go unnoticed: the earthquake hardly leaves free all sites and it does not happen often, unfortunately, to see the their pages down to PR0 for no reason of being or at least escape the long sweaty PR5. I formed the idea, certainly mystifying and unfounded, that to update more generous and benign if they alternate other harmful if not apocalyptic certainly an idea not supported by any evidence, not statistical, but that has its suggestiveness, especially when reconnected to my own experience and many "colleagues."
Should we believe this update would come to this crude theory of law in the series of updates evil: pr decimated, wiped out pages, which shrank Barrettini sadly on themselves, and new sites that do not take off ...
Then think back to your profession, it is connected with the new technology, mathematics, statistics, you skim the formula of the page rank, wheeled out charts and tables, and blushed a professional like you avvalla queste teorie : riapri i tuoi tool e ricominci a lavorare, in modo serio, ponderato: analisi dei BL , studio della concorrenza , valutazione del settore competitivo , già aspettando la prossima update del PR ... con un bel cornetto appeso al monitor del computer .
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