Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sterlite Storage Drawers

Next ...... There is no place

Segnalo with satisfaction that the service of online storage offered by Skydrive increases the space given to 5GB 25GB. Beyond any comments about the operator (M $) and the debate about Cloud Computing, MSN say who has an account can be handy as a support was complemented

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tiffany Granath New Baby

Linux day 2008

The day will be held October 25, 2008 in 115 Italian cities Linux Day 2008.
Needless to point out the purpose of the event, sponsored by ILS (Italian Linux Society), aimed at spreading the culture of free software and knowledge of the Linux operating system.
course of the event they are charged the local LUG (Linux Users Group) which divide the day according to their efforts and potential, while respecting the guidelines of the event.
However all initiatives can be found here while the list of July here

Monday, August 11, 2008

Can Shower Curtains Harm Cats


For those who want to follow the Olympics in streaming, you can use the excellent service Rai which proposes the use of proprietary software (wmp ver. 11 or MS silverlight).

Those who did not want Please use this software (such as users of the penguin) can use to stream the best
vlc . E 'section, simply insert the File> Open network stream this URL "mms: / /" to view streaming Rai2. In addition, replacing the last number (from 1 to n) can been displayed other streaming available for various sports

If You Remove A Tag On Facebook Will Sender Know?

rai vs Firefox 3.

who, like me, use Firefox to open links irc (like irc: / / / directly into the irc client (xchat for example ) had the unpleasant surprise that nothing happens in Firefox ... or just the browser launches the application without entering the chan.

Well to what can be remedied by recourse to the command line. Open a shell and write "xchat - url =" then paste the link of the type above and we will be immediately entered in the target channel. At this point you can also communicate with the bot using them, the instructions in the properties of the selected link

Monday, July 28, 2008

How Long Does Ta Sealant

irc link between saying and doing ..........

Act courier this article , where he announces the birth of a new search engine that, according to its creators (two former Google engineers) should give a hard time at Google.
Apart from the view of the fact that Google is the Internet as a copy-paste to Word is, an operation is so natural that we work there is not even realize it. In any event, the field test gave results very encouraging especially the diversification of responses in the sense that I have had different results depending on the computer when I was connected. This indexing strategy results in the features of the navigator does not know what kind of development can bring.
Warning: Italian pages nisba

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wholesale Western Pendants Concho

audacity on Hardy Heron

turning here and there among the various forums to find a solution to the problem of the lack of audio when using Audacity ver. 1.3.4 beta (found in various repositories for Hardy Haron) and the presence of pulse audio, I noticed that the solution is not easy to find. In fact the application, while functioning properly, does not return any sound.
I solved this way: Install the utility of pulse audio on volumes and the management of individual instruments sound server

sudo apt-get install libasound2-plugins "pulseaudio-*" paman padevchooser paprefs pavucontrol pavumeter libflashsupport

Launch tools: Pulseaudio Device Manager from Applications > Audio and Video
Open Audacity and in Preferences> Audio I / O to search for and use the playback device: OSS: / dev / dsp
Now audacity begin sounding

Thursday, April 24, 2008

One Percent Of Fat Is How Many Pounds


strange coincidence is that when it happens the same day of issue Ubuntu 8.04 ho fatto l'upgrade (gratuito) a windows mobile 6 del mio palmare.

Comunque, per non sovraccaricare il server di Canonical, cerchiamo di scaricare Hardy Heron tramite Torrent

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Do Men Prefer Brazilian Wax

I'm here

Elezioni 2008. Io sono qui. E tu dove sei?

Mi associo al test del momento, segnalando, con stupore, la mia posizione

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Wifes First Lesbian Encounter


Anche se non ho molto tempo per postare, faccio ugualmente gli auguri al mio blog per i suoi due anni di digital life

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Web Strip Forums Rapid

Merge Pdf document

L'operazione di unire in un unico file PDF, diversi file.pdf, è un'operazione quite simple if we use the command line: the software used is pdftk (pdf tool kit).
This is obviously a software platform, easy to install (Windows users with the classic. Exe, linux distro with the management of software in use, Mac users idem).
Education from the command line (it cheaper to Windows users) is common to all OS:

pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf cat output 123.pdf

Simple simple
; Examples

Monday, January 7, 2008

Softball Qoutes Pitchers

Manualinux 6.6

The January 1, 2008 was released the new version 6.6 of Manualinux. a useful manual on the use of GNU / Linux. It 'available in 5 sizes in both Italian and English.

you can download through this site in the format that we please.


The Morning After Pill Pmt

a free website

Thanks to a dear friend of MSN, email to Windows users (and why not? Who also uses a different OS), a nice link where there is a remarkable collection of software. I had no way to verify the license (free or open source), but there is different material che può interessare

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Black Anddecker Funny Shirt

First post of 2008

Ecco il primo post del 2008. Sarà 1 anno ricco di novità, ne sono sicuro.

La prima e positiva è stata il test che ho eseguito su Fedora Core 8 e mi è sembrata una distribuzione notevole e autorevole, nonchè robusta.

Rispetto alla ben nota distro sudafricana pecca in termini di accessibilità (per un novizio o per chi non ha molto tempo da dedicare alla riga di comando non la consiglierei), ma riguardo al resto dei requisiti non ha nulla da invidiare.
I think seriously, at least, on the basis of these first impressions, to adopt at least one machine