Saturday, August 28, 2010

How To Get A Bonus Level On Poptropica

break with the center-left? Interview on Liberation Burgio

Article Liberation August 28, 2010
Burgio, "Enough sectarianism. It was valuable time lost "
Antonella Burgio, is there any news on the left?
What next? The elites or the base? In response
is a good question. Executives and base.
I think the base is far ahead of its leaders. Around a lot, not only for the Liberation Party and party, and I see that people are willing to compete and make a step forward.
What is the problem of managers?
The fact that it had imprisoned in a story of the last 20 years, without losing streak. And even in serious errors. A story that ran as a spider's web to prevent any movement that was up to the task.
What task?
who liquidated the Communist Party was a political strategy to "eliminate" class conflict, alienation in a complex policy. You have tried to stop it but you're not been up to.
or find a new way, a greater awareness that allows us to "reject" this impasse, or lose the political compass. You do not go anywhere by offering sectarian practices. The risk is to have less and less political relevance despite having the best ideas. Moreover one of the things I learned in the last election campaign and the fact to say the right things, in itself, is not very relevant if you then divide. We must get out of the abstract opinions.
Research Unit on paper, but there seems to be a compulsive desire to distinguish from each other
organizational inertia does not help, will seek ways to share actions, then, in practice the prevailing logic "part" of small parts ... And this is not really in the tradition of Italian communism which has always prevailed in the culture of the covenants.
If there are no alliances, no news?
I struggle to understand what could be a politician when you stay in 4 cats, even less. The policy of "better to just that (even) together" is absolutely a loser, that's what makes you stay trapped in the web I mentioned earlier.
Alliances: with whom, for what?
takes 4 or 5 important things: the defense of the state, defense the dignity of work and freedom of contract, protection of the public dimension of welfare, and then the esseree agree that we live in a country where there is a profound social injustice. No way more than this, but we are an unjust society, polarized. Sore.
Who accepts the shares of these points and that, in my opinion, the very fact that I consider to accept them on the left. What need is there other differences?
For example, between reformists and revolutionaries?
distinguish. The term reformism today has come to mean - by shunning - construction and modernization neolibeirsta. But la situazione è tale per cui, pur essendo potenzialmente riivoluzionaria, non consente di intervenire concretamente nel reale. Dividerci tra riformismo e rivoluzione è demenziale quando dobbiamo pensare a difenderci puntando a guadagnare qualcosa. Politica dei piccoli passi, si, è necessaria in questo momento per stare dentro ad un progetto che stenta ad avere un seguito. Faccio un esempio: la lettera di Napolitano ai tre operai della Fiat. Conosciamo la storia di Napolitano, tra gli uomini più moderati del Pci. Ma oggi quel gesto è un elemento positivo, direi “rivoluzionario”. E non ha importanza se ci sono altre cose a dividerci. Ora è importantissimo.
Tra l’altro la “base” sembra apprezzare the call to unity ... There is a more concrete

The base is wider than the militants of the party?
Absolutely. I am referring to all those watching television or reading about politics, they say, "I have left, but .....". But understand the "useful vote" understand that arises from reasoning: better less than nothing.
Excuse me, but at what point is the Federation of the Left? There will be no problem of "sectarianism" there too?
I would reverse the question: how come two years after the Congress of Chianciano is not anything happened yet? Two years after the birth of the idea was not produced anything? There was a great first "proximity" between the forces, people who took the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing with the hammer and sickle. If it were true it would be easy.
It means that the "glue" was not enough?
that the impact of the political classes has been negative, that did not work, the leadership and the cultural habit of sectarianism prevailed. We are making valuable over time, we missed appointments, wasted two years. There is a serious political responsibility of those who would have to work to the concrete realization of this unitary experience.
Well, there's only Rifondazione...
Certamente no. La responsabilità è collettiva. Ma chi è parte maggioritaria, ne ha di più.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bearded Dragon Imacted Bowels

New orders for aircraft from 'India

The Indian Air Force soon will order 59 more helicopters Mil Mi-17 after 80 previous orders.
Recently, the IAF had also requested 42 Su-30 MKI fighter Sukhoi bringing the total to 272.
addition, the IAF has signed a contract with Rosoboronexport for 45 MiG-29 K used on new aircraft carriers in India.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ski Doo Grand Junction

La situazione degli incendi e del pesante inquinamento dell'aria sta nettamente migliorando. Col diminuire delle temperature medie e con le prime leggere piogge le torbiere si stanno piano piano spegnendo. Comunque l'estate 2010 è stat un incubo per la Russia Occidentale, mi dicono che una cosa simile era successa nel 1972, quasi quaranta anni fa.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Frozen Shoulder Shower Or Steam

In uscita (08 agosto 2010) il secondo numero della rivista di Comunisti Uniti
Il prossimo numero è previsto per il 22 agosto 2010.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Gastric Ulcer More Condition_treatment

Fires Force! The

Per la fine di questa settimana è prevista un poco di pioggia e un calo delle temperature nella zona di Mosca. Rimarrà il caldo nella zona di Rostov. Ma oramai siamo vicini alla fine della torrida estate russa! In ogni caso sarà meglio cominciare ad ...... organizzarsi per l'anno prossimo (incrociando le dita).

Friday, August 6, 2010

Graboid Difference Between Onyx And Pearl

Russia burns! A little holiday

sono molto triste, la Russia burns, is a victim of weeks and weeks with temperatures near 40 degrees. Moscow itself is completely covered with dark smoke. My friends in Moscow are very concerned. In the land of cold is not such a thing had never been seen. It 's a huge disaster. Becket Hopefully soon the rain. We hope for the best.